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Registered: ‎06-24-2011
On 3/6/2015 mima said:

There really is a class action lawsuit from Wen causing baldness:

I honestly don't understand this. Years ago I tried a new eye cream ~ I had a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY bad reaction to it. It caused my eyes to swell so badly I could barely see out of them. I went to several different doctors trying to figure out what it was (didn't realize it was the eye cream until one Dr. finally asked if I tried anything new). I was on prednisone for a month as well as Benadryl around the clock. I was no good to anyone, I could barely function ~ it was bad.

At no time did I even think to sue the manufacturer of the eye cream. I tried it ~ no one forced me to. It didn't work out for me. Once I had a bad reaction to it I stopped using it immediately and threw it out. Why is it so hard for people to understand that not everything will work for everyone? Why is everyone's first response to sue or to trash a company to no end because they had a bad reaction? This mentality makes zero sense to me. Go out and get money the good old fashioned way ~ by EARNING it. Also, the lawyers who take on these cases are a joke.

Okay, rant over. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

Posts: 37
Registered: ‎03-17-2014

JoJa - I completely agree with you. We live in such a litigious society where anyone can sue over anything and win. It's despicable but that's the world today.

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On 3/6/2015 misswashingtonus said:

There are a few Law Firms that are taking on the case. I also experience hair loss from Wen I am in the process of taking on a lawyer (I'm interviewing 3 lawyers for my case). All three lawyers have over a hundred cases of people that have lost hair because of WEN.

I'm puzzled as to why you feel you deserve monetary compensation for something like this. You tried a product that apparently you have some kind of allergy to, so the answer is to quit using it, problem solved. Is it your opinion that a product that has worked extremely well for at least thousands of women should be taken off the market because a low percentage of people have an allergy to it?

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My hair has never looked better using WEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At first I was skeptical and had my doubts but as time passes I can see my hair getting better every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have any hair loss issues at all.

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On 3/6/2015 bruingirl said:

awesome info!!!!!!!!!

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I used Wen Fig for awhile last year and every time I washed my hair I noticed an incredible amount of hair in the tub now I know we lose hair everyday but this was a lot (example every so often no matter how careful we are with the drains they will back up about every five years or so and what you get out is disgusting) and this is what I would lose three times a week then I got several bald spots on each side of my head so I stopped using it and doubled up on the hair skin and nails and now when I shampoo using lather there is only a couple of hairs to clean out. I would not even think of suing maybe it is me as one poster stated there might be something I'm allergic too in the product.

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Do you trust your doctor? If so why would you trust the folks on here who don't know your health, etc and are offering "advice". Why is it always WEN? So many things affect hairloss.
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I'm allergic to roses, who should I sue?
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In respecting the wishes of the original poster I would just like to not be negative or rude with regards to this issue. All she asked was if anyone had a similar experience. I'd like to say I have not due to a product but I have had hair loss recently due to stress. I've lost my stepfather, younger sister and younger brother all within the last 18 months and it's taken it's toll. I have begun Biotin supplements twice a day and trying some relaxation exercises, etc. It seems to be helping. I'm not defending Wen or attacking it. I use Wen only on occasion simply because I can't afford it. Just wanted to share in case you have other issues in your life that could be contributing to the hair loss. I'm so sorry you are having this problem. I hope you get to the bottom of it soon. It's a very scary thing for a woman to see her hair coming out like that. I understand. Best of luck to you.