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It doesn't bother me, and I find it informative.

But, I am a nurse, so very little bothers me like that!

Hyacinth Smile

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I love my Emjoi, not sure I would have purchased it without seeing the demonstration and how well it really does work!!!!!!!

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On 6/21/2014 Drythe said:
On 6/21/2014 icezeus said:

Good lord some of you woman really do need a fainting couch. No it does not bother me. Perhaps I am not paying as much attention to the demos as some of you obviously have.

On a bright note. I have this little machine and I love it.


So I'm guessing none of you give birth, changed a diaper, cleaned a bathroom? Wink

WOWZA! I'm amused at all the responses and tangents you went off on!! Anyway........I was just asking for comments on Graphic Grossness Tolerances (a technical term!). I see a wide range of Gross-Out triggers & love of Josie-finger-cream response! Good one. Furthermore I've been changing diapers (as babysitter & mom) for 50 years! No biggie. Has to be done. I've cleaned cat litter boxes most of my life. TV is different because it just pops up when I least expect it cuz I leave Q on when I'm doing chores. Just a weird distraction. Then I wondered if anyone else got grossed out and by what? NBD. I love reading all these funny & smart & snarky posts so gimme more!!!! Have a laugh girls. And NO I avoid all big stores or public places where my brain blows a fuse at viewing certain types of humans (?). People watching used to be fun :-(
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Registered: ‎09-23-2013

If you think dry bits of dead skin are gross, you need help. Nothing demo'd on QVC is that gross. Now watching someone puke, that's gross.

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I wonder if QVC packages up the returned Emjois and sends them to the next unsuspecting buyer. Now that would be gross.
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Registered: ‎04-10-2011
On 6/21/2014 Indy-Blonde2 said:

If you think dry bits of dead skin are gross, you need help. Nothing demo'd on QVC is that gross. Now watching someone puke, that's gross.

Thanks for the Dx! I do need help so I'll see my shrink next week & maybe try hypnosis or Scotch shots before clicking my clicker to the Q !! Have some compassion & pray for me please?
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On 6/21/2014 chessylady said: I wonder if QVC packages up the returned Emjois and sends them to the next unsuspecting buyer. Now that would be gross.

I don't need to see 20 minutes of shaving feet. 5 minutes can show me how the thing works. If I need any other specs I can read the description on-line. Maybe not so much for the computer illiterate, so maybe that's why the demos seem to go on forever. I have one from Shop HQ that I like.

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One of the hosts couldn't wait to show a close up of her bare armpit --- trying anything to sell another laser hair removal device! Probably our ever-fascinating Shawnie Sue. OW MY EYES!! Then I puked but couldn't watch ;-p
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On 6/21/2014 gazelle77 said:
On 6/21/2014 kabella said:
On 6/21/2014 gazelle77 said:

LOL! If you really want to see GROSS just go shopping at WalMart and see who shops there and how they look and dress. Really quite humorous and entertaining~{#emotions_dlg.laugh} It is 100 times more disgusting than any dry skin on foot demo on QVC.

I don't find your comment humorous or entertaining. I shop at Walmart for some groceries & save quite a bit & find a few cosmetics I like. Most people who do shop for clothes there is because its affordable for them. Not all people dress to my liking but I don't view them as discusting. Your comment is insulting to those who do shop there. OMG!

Perhaps they video taped you shopping? Have you looked at the footage?

Perhaps LOL!!! No and I have no interest in looking at the footage. I have seen bad taste in clothing & people who wear their clothes much too small for their size at Walmart & other women who shop in more expensive stores who I think have bad taste & some who dress just fine. When I do go to walmart its mainly for a few grocery items, I also shop at whole foods, & my local supermarket. I alway try to see the best in people, their taste is their own business.

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Registered: ‎09-26-2011

Doesn't bother me at all. But POOPOURI reallllly does. YUK! I can not run fast enough for the remote with that product. YIkES!