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On 3/11/2015 hyacinth003 said:

I think Jamie Lee Curtis looks awful compared to what she could look like if she colored her hair. It adds 20 years to her looks that she doesn't have to have.

But, she chose it and she lives with it.

I would just like to look as good as I can.

I do think they go overboard insulting any change in a woman.

All the people who insult anyone's age should remember one thing - one day, if they are fortunate enough to keep living, it will happen to THEM too.

As my mother said, "I've been where you're going."

Hyacinth Smile

I think once in a while she colors it a bit. Maybe for a movie? She is stunning! I love this pic of her. Her seems a tad darker

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I use either SS facemaster or the Serious Skin Care EGG and especially the EGG has given dramatic results since it has a stronger current. Without using these my face would surely sag into what it was before. I come from a long line of face melters and I had really noticeable jowls also that are now gone! My turkey neck is fairly toned and smooth. I also use Isomer's ReNew Triple Action Amino Neck & Decollete Exfoliator and Isomers Neck & Chin Firming which has smoothed out the skin. I have pictures of before I used these products and that was over ten years ago and the neck sagging and jowls were very prominent. For me, these products definitely have turned back the hands of time. That being said I don't have the taut look of a 30 year old and am not going to claim I look 40 or even 50. I have no problem with being 62 but the change is remarkable!

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Thanks to VCamp, blankette & Love Roses for your appreciated support of my sentiment that I don't want to work for these (home shopping) networks anymore.

And I really am grateful for all the others who posted such meaningful perspectives on women's beauty and aging.

I also think Bridget Bardot is beautiful and a class act.

And yesterday the above pictures of her were on the MSN website entitled ''10 Celebrities Who Have Aged Badly" which made me think how really awful this article is on so many levels.

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My whole body hates anti-aging, it yet, it goes right ahead and keeps on aging.

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These anti-aging ingredients maybe causing me more harm than good. I am beginning to wonder if my break outs are a results of these "super", "ultimate", "decadent", serums and potions. I am currently taking a break, going back to good old aloe. I will finish up my stash(2yrs worth{#emotions_dlg.w00t} ) as neck & body products for now!

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On 3/11/2015 shoekitty said:

Bridgette Bardot has never had a thing done, and I believe it. She is who she is. She recues animals, and fights for animal rights. She is a chain smoker, and smoked since she was 14. She was also a sun worshiper, and still is she says. She is so comfortable with herself. She does look her age, but there is nothing wrong with that. And she is spunky and opinionated as she ever was.

They say she is a recluse, and shuns the life she once had. These are the most flattering pics I could find, because it seems the photographers always look for the bad angles, and the worst picture they can take of her. I don't know why.

She was stunning back then and she's beautiful now.

The epitome of beauty inside and out.

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On 3/11/2015 KittyLouSoutenu said:
On 3/11/2015 Ford1224 said:

When I was still working full time at a CPA firm for 24 years, one of the younger kids came into my office to talk about work and as we were talking, he suddenly blurted out . . . "hey, CB, getting a little turkey neck there?" I was nearing 60 at the time. I looked at him and said "And what does your mother look like, since you already have a double chin?"

He walked out mumbling something about me not being able to take a joke. He didn't upset me, but I'm sure I upset him!

What a total jackass!!!

P.S. I've seen your photo. You're beautiful!!!

Not to a young man in his twenties/thirties. Old is old to them and it starts in middle age. My bet is he did not age well and is probably bald and fat by now.

That happens to be a very good photo of me. Believe me, I look old, and I sure as heck feel it also.

But thank you for your comments! Smile

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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I think it is the deception of ""anti aging"" that bugs me the most. Other than the sun one thing that makes skin look aged is the fact that dead skin cells do not slough off as they did when we were younger causing the skin of look dull and wrinkled. Unless that issue is dealt with no cream or serum is going to fight aging or the build up of layers of those layers of dead skin cells.

Have to say I have no problem with aging but I do want my skin to look it's best for my age. Using a good microderm-abrasion and glycolic acid has done the job for me. I know that when I get up into my 70's and beyond the benefit may not be so great but for now I am satisfied but I do know better than to listen to the latest super model's sales pitch about her new day and night creams and serums.

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On 3/12/2015 KittyLouSoutenu said:
On 3/11/2015 shoekitty said:

Bridgette Bardot has never had a thing done, and I believe it. She is who she is. She recues animals, and fights for animal rights. She is a chain smoker, and smoked since she was 14. She was also a sun worshiper, and still is she says. She is so comfortable with herself. She does look her age, but there is nothing wrong with that. And she is spunky and opinionated as she ever was.

They say she is a recluse, and shuns the life she once had. These are the most flattering pics I could find, because it seems the photographers always look for the bad angles, and the worst picture they can take of her. I don't know why.

She was stunning back then and she's beautiful now.

The epitome of beauty inside and out.

I still see the beauty in her face. But I don't understand why she did not do something with her teeth. That is the easiest thing to correct.

However, her mind is elsewhere and I think she has no interest in what she looks like. I read one of Jane Fonda's autobiographies and she said that even when they were all young over there in France (several of them, including Jane and Brigitte were married to the same man at one time or another), Brigitte was never impressed with her own looks.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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OP Calm Down--no-one is forcing you to buy anything.

Sheesh--you sound like your are being forced at gun point to buy skin care items.