On 3/3/2015 Josea922 said: On 3/2/2015 sonechko said:
I am not going to talk about any other aspects of "something else" vs. Wen, but costs only.
I wanted to check Alterna shampoo, and found it being sold here (on Qvc) - Alterna Caviar Moisture Shampoo 8.5 ozat $32.50, Alterna Bamboo at $22.00 for 8.5 oz!
For 8.5 oz?!
Then one would also has to pick up a conditioner, doubles the cost to about $44 to $65 total for two 8.5 oz size bottles of needed hair product.
I don't know, maybe it could be argued, that less amount of product is being used with Alterna, but never-the-less, cost wise, this product is far from being cheap, or less expensive than Wen in my opinion.
I am tired right now, please correct me, as I may be wrong in all my calculations, but 8.5 oz Alterna at $22 - $32.50 for shampoo alone (doubled for S/C) to $44 - $65.00 vs. 32 oz Wen C/C for $49.50 - $52.74, which makes Wen more attractive product cost wise.
Full disclaimer from the start ... I'm a huge fan of Alterna and Wen does not work for me.
I didn't get out my calculator and do the math on this, but I will respond to how much you need to use. I have tried both Wen and Alterna. With Wen you need to use several pumps each time you use the product. The more hair, the more pumps. Alterna is highly concentrated. You need a very small amount to clean/condition the hair. I have fine, thin hair that is past my shoulders. It only takes a dime size amount of Alterna to effectively clean/condition my hair. My hair also stays clean longer with Alterna so I have to wash less often. I think if cost is the only deciding factor, the amount needed per use and how often you have to use it has to be considered.
Nothing against Alterna. I have not used it, and don't know this product. I am sure it is great according to great review from many on this thread alone.
I would reiterate, that using hair products is very personal experiences and everyone has different take on this, according to their needs and personal preferences.
The OP mentioned that she "always had fine hair". My hair is fine, chin length. I do not use much Wen to cleanse it at all, does not matter what they say, I just do not need that many pumps.
Initially I did invest some good money into Wen, because I was curious abot different scents, and how my hair likes each one of them. On top of it, I invested in treatment products, like oils, and re-moists. Plus, I wanted to check the styling products, and bought them too.
Now, I have about 5-6 bottles of opened Wen CCs, just because I wanted to try different scents, also have about four stashed bottles. In several month of use, none of these bottles came nowhere even NEAR the half. Some of bottles are almost full. Styling products last even longer for me.
From what I see, I have at least a year supply Cleansing Conditioners with what I bought so far. I'll tell you more, when I cleanse with Wen, I use the product that runs off to wash my body with, and my skin loves it!
Having initial Wen "everything" stash already, and learning by now, How and What to buy, my spending from now on is definately going to be well measured, and I do see lots of opportunities to buy Wen at excellent price point on special offerings here.
For example a special in December - Five 16 oz bottles at what price point? was it $80 or $60? Don't remember, either way, this price was for 80 (Eighty!) ounces of both, or .625 of a gallon - shampoo and conditioner in one!
For me, Wen prices, because I already know How and What to buy, simply can NOT be beat, and my personal use of Wen, for my hair needs, keeps the bottle last for a long time. I REALLY do not have to cleanse hair every day with Wen, very often I only do it because I am longing the experience and feel afterwards.
As to the use of "something else", I have no objections at all. I went to two salon hair appointments lately and let them wash my hair with Sebastian shampoo and conditioner. No problem!
But, I REALLY liked washing with Wen again in a day or so. I am planning to maybe wash (once in a while) with Isomers Shampoo and Conditioner I have, but so far have no burning desire to do so, though I love Isomers Hair Product.
Great Respect to All the Ladies here and to their personal choices in Favorite Hair Products, as long as they work for THEM in every way, it is ALL Great!
I see absolutely no real need to bash Wen or any other product for this matter, they all are Good as long as the WORK for YOU!