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Come to MA! I will hook you up with my nephew! He and his wife are both dentists! 🦷👍



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@SilleeMee   I'm not sure, but think I like the youthful smile.


I had all my teeth re-done with crowns/veneers about 15 yrs. ago. They had been scarred from braces as an adult. No one smile fits all.


My cosmetic dentist took molds of my mouth, matched the new "smile" to the shape and position of my existing teeth. This results in a more natural look and my smile is the same only brighter and repaired. I'm sure all cosmetic dentists do it this way for the best results.

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@SilleeMee   and others: FYI, I forgot to add that you can't just choose your teeth style/smile. The teeth have to be in the same position and fit in your mouth the same as your original teeth or it changes your "bite" which causes a lot more problems. 

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The choice of shape I choose is not going to be an issue b/c most of my front teeth are getting a make-over. All the front teeth will be compatible with each other.

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@SilleeMee   Since a chicken dentist patient, I had nitrous the netire time since it was full mouth restoration. I went home w/ temps for 3 wks. while a lab in CA made the new teeth and shipped to my dentist. Nitrous again to remove the temporary teeth and glue in the permanent ones.

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It's complicated, isn't it??! Some of my teeth are implants while others have crowns and even a bit of tooth bonding on other ones. I'll be so happy when it's all finished and hopefully there won't be any complications.

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@SilleeMee   I'm sure you'll be a lot easier. I'm a real dental phobe. Dh had full mouth at the same time as me (TMJ from back teeth that moved) and he only had numbing injections as "normal" people have. Lol


*** Just discussing it made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. 😒

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For me it's that first Novocaine shot, the one that goes in the very back called 'the block'. I hate that one especially! 

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@SilleeMee   Gotcha. That's why I'd rather sleep through dental procedures...not just a checkup and cleaning, though. 

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@SilleeMee I recently had my 4 front teeth crowns replaced and my dentist had me bring in a photo of me when I was younger and smiling and based my new crowns on that pic.  It really made me happy to have my "old" and younger teeth back.   I will get the canines replaced soon as well.   My coon hound hit my front teeth chasing a tennis ball that I bent over to pick up.  Had 4 root canals and almost lost the teeth except that I went in for care as soon as the weekend was over.  

If my dog doesn't like you, neither do I.