I like the scents of the Tweak'd products! I wear Guerlian's Miksuto and Vol de Nuit in the cold weather months, and the earthy smells all work with each other.
I loved the Ojon products Denis used to bring to QVC and was happy to see his return. In July of this year, I had a series of infusions of a biologic, Rituxan, to treat my rare form of anemia. It didn't do my anemia a bit of good, but it fried my hair. Although my hair likely will not return to what it was until it all grows out, Tweak'd defintely helps it a great deal. I use the Balm and the Rejuvenating Treatment Oil on dry hair every day. By the end of the day, my hair has completely absorbed the product. I apply some more oil for overnight, then start over the next day. I am seeing small improvements every couple of days. The hair from my scalp on out that is new growth since the infusions is silky smooth, so I do have great hair to look forward to!