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Posts: 1,096
Registered: ‎03-22-2010

Hi,  Anyone use this?


I'm into my 2nd week of the Retinol, I really like it so far. 

I have sensitive Celtic skin, I expected peeling, redness.


I have family members/friends who comment they're having a reaction because they have light-medium peeling, some redness. I tell them retinols and retinoids are exfoliants, they speed up cell turnover process, some peeling, redness, dryness is expected, and can go on for weeks.


I suggested they research, know what they're using, know what it's does and don't use too much-just a pea size for entire face; don't start out using everyday; know what other products not to use;  what skin treatments-needling, etc.,  not to do, or when it's ok to do; must use sunscreen because burns will increase peeling.


 I tried Renova years ago, I did everything you should NOT do...used too much, often, used skincare or exfoliated when I shouldn't have... I thought more was better.  I was very sorry.


So far Sobel has been the best nonRx retinoid derivative I've used. I'm working up to restarting a RX retinoid, it will take 2-6 months of using a retinol before doing so.


Has anyone used his other products?


HeartCat HappyHeart

Honored Contributor
Posts: 29,409
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

He said on the Q his retinol is 4.5%.  Very, very high. He used to have a line called DDF sold in places like Sephora.