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Having been a teenager in the 80's, I grew up with a lot of drugstore fragrances.

Around this time of year Walgreens usually puts out the Coty $5 purse size colognes.

Think musk, Lady Stetson, Sand and Sable, Charlie, Loves Baby get the idea.


Not this year. Now while these fragrances are older and not the latest fashion, it would be nice if I could still find them locally in the little purse sized bottle. 


I'm pretty sure these are gone for good.


Am I one of the few who still enjoy a little spritz of nostalgia?

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I was just thinking about fragrance today.  I got dressed to go to the store....put on my earrings...lipstick...sun screen... and realized I have no desire to wear fragrance anymore.


I have a lot of very nice bottles of fragrance, and just do not care to wear it.  Is that something that comes with age and retirement too?🤔🙂

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@Chicagosuburbangirl:  You're taking me way back. Back in the day, Charlie was one of my favorite fragrances. Remember Tigress, Navy, Jovan Musk, Gloria Vanderbilt?   Check out the website:, you'll find practically all of the old favorites there.

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Yipes! $5 for a travel size fragrance is not happening any more!


I can usually cure my lust for current fragrances with a rollerball but even those have pricetags of $25+.


I picked up a couple of nostalgic fragrances on the bay but they aren't fresh so I limit what I buy. 

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Perhaps we've become more aware that not everybody enjoys our choice.  Some women are so 'loaded' with spray - we know they are coming towards us; just hasen't come into view..  Recent experience:  fragrance was so strong it hit me in the throat so I  headed off in a different direction.  Overpowering.


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@fthunt wrote:

Perhaps we've become more aware that not everybody enjoys our choice.  Some women are so 'loaded' with spray - we know they are coming towards us; just hasen't come into view..  Recent experience:  fragrance was so strong it hit me in the throat so I  headed off in a different direction.  Overpowering.


recently had the same experience with overload of fragrance in a large doctor's waiting room.....very overwhelming!  what are these women thinking.....

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Yes I remember all those scents . I am 55 so I had just started working real jobs. My mom and aunt loved fragrance and we always shared fragrnaces and loved trying new ones . My favorite in those days were Lauren in a long red bottle , Babe , Scoundrel ( it was by Revlon based on Joan Collins Alexis Dynasty character.( really dating myself) Tojour Moi ,Windsong and Muguet de Bois and Chritian Dior Diorissmo .Now I use cruelty free brands .I think even if these fragrances are still sold probably ingredients changed and they don't smell the same . Thanks for a lovely trip down memory lane 

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Emeraude!  loved that scent!

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@nana59 wrote:

@fthunt wrote:

Perhaps we've become more aware that not everybody enjoys our choice.  Some women are so 'loaded' with spray - we know they are coming towards us; just hasen't come into view..  Recent experience:  fragrance was so strong it hit me in the throat so I  headed off in a different direction.  Overpowering.


recently had the same experience with overload of fragrance in a large doctor's waiting room.....very overwhelming!  what are these women thinking.....

@nana59 a woman at the allegry doctor’s office had so much fragrance on that it was still noticable several minutes after she left. People at that office have enough breathing problems without an overload of perfume. What was that woman thinking??? 

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I remember all of those fragrances!  One that I loved as a teenager was Candid by Avon.  And I still remember my friend in college wearing "Vanderbilt" and another friend who always wore "Halston"... if I smelled either of those fragrances it would definitely transform me back to good times with good friends!