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I took a chance and called my hair salon today and was really lucky! I got an appointment for Monday for a cut, color and foils! My DH was also able to get an appointment with his barber for next Wednesday! I wanted to get this done just in case they end up having to close down again, for reasons connected to the virus. Hopefully EVERYONE will follow the mandates and use common sense going forward. We are moving into unknown territory and who knows if there will be anymore widespread outbreaks or hotspots! Masks, social distancing (as per state guidelines) and wash, wash, wash those hands!!!
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@hooked on books I was lucky, my hairdresser sent a text about 3 weeks ago anticipating opening. 

I had a cut and highlight on Saturday!  I feel like a different person!  


Very different vibe in the salon....super quiet. 

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My hair appt. is tomorrow morning.  I was called today and told enter in the front with a mask.  Call when I arrive and they will tell be when to come in.   OK   as bad as I need a hair cut, I will follow all instructions.   cut and high lights.  Good luck with your appt.  I really need this.  

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@Jtdmum, glad you got your glam on! It's amazing how good we feel after a salon visit!!
My stylist was telling me what it would be like there now and yes, it does sound very, very different. Not in a good way different, either! I'm just glad to have some semblance of the "new normal" and I just hope it lasts!!!!
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@aoldgirl, good luck with your appointment! Can you believe that just a couple of months ago we took these appointments for granted??!! Now it's a huge deal!
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We're very naughty, we're not following the Stay At Home order so our Governor says they may be forced to extend it this rate it may be months before I get a cut & color. Good grief, ugh & other words I can't post here.

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@kitcat51, this is what I'm afraid will happen with our state as well if people don't follow the guidelines very carefully!
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Did my own root touch up twice already.  Also trimmed my own hair.  Last time was two weeks ago. The color is starting to fade and look weird. I’m looking hideous here. I have been ok, but it’s getting time to go pro! My stylist called me yesterday. Got an appointment for 6/2...omg I cannot make the calendar move fast enough. Am I leery.. you better believe it. But she said theres only two stylists and two customers in the salon at one time. Its a huge place, so we are all separated, but yikes shes close to me during cut, color, blow dry.  She said she has an n95 mask and I do too super ready because Im afraid of another shut down soon.


The beach resort here in MD opened and they too were very very naughty. Governor extended closure of restaurants until end of month.  One establishment fined 5k for allowing people to congregate closely at his outdoor makeshift sidewalk masks. One or two bad apples...we all get slammed


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I'm sooooooo jealous of those who've been able to get in to the salon.


My last hair cut/color was in February. After that, I went off to the beach, where of course, my color got a bit bleached out. When I got home, I called to move up my next appointment, but the governor order everything to be shut down before I could get in. I'm okay with the length of my hair, but my roots are about to apply for their own zip code!


My next appointment is scheduled for June 9th, but I'm not holding my breath. When I talked to the salon owner, she said that if the shut down goes beyond the end of June, she probably will not be able to afford to stay in business. 

~The more someone needs to brag about how wonderful, special, successful, wealthy or important they are, the greater the likelihood that it isn't true. ~

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I'm going in a couple days. Can't wait.