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I am a believer in science.  To my knowledge, the only really proven skin care is retinoids and vitamin C.


I believe Retin-A (and similar products) are the only FDA products approved to make the anti-aging claim.


I think that vitamin C is also proven to build collagen and help with uneven skin issues or brown spots.


So, cleanser, SPF, exfoliation once a week and those 2 products are what I have come down to.


I enjoy reading and listening about other items, but these are my only essentials now.



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I wouldn't count on ads as an information resource. Any info they impart is meant to lighten your wallet, not improve your skin. Bloggers and youtubers might be a better source for expertise.


My my attitude is that if you aren't having fun doing something, stop.


If I get overwhelmed about skincare minutiae it's because I did it to myself. Googling the serum ingredient Anemarrhena Asphodeloides Root Extract, for example. Honestly I just did that today. I know of no one except me who would find that fun.


When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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Oh dear. My husband would be rofl! I am such a skin care junkie! No, I should say I used to be. I was one of the first to learn of the dangers of parabens and other ingredients. I literally banged my head into wall after wall trying to find good, pure products that weren't just eating my money. When I discovered Josie Marian's line I was thrilled! But, just today an auto-d came and I read the ingredients for the unscented whipped body butter. I'm a bit upset with her as I am quite certain time after time she said it was nothing but pure argon oil but whipped! That's NOT true! The first ingredient is aloe! I was so upset I can't honestly remember, but I think argan didn't fall until at least 3rd if that good! I understand that she told us that some of her other products had other ingredients (PURE, she promised, but necessary for fragrance, etc.) I feel used but am also angry with myself that I didn't look on my own! I love some of her products and I find others don't work at all. Now, I'm confused and am not sure what I'll do! As far as ads? Yes, I get over load! I know it's silly, but I like to keep my products all from one line! I used to love Clarins then Bobbi Brown. That's why the Argan oil was such a find! One PURE product for everything. My derm, who I love, told me all I needed was moisturizer and spf. He said everything else is useless. Recently, his partner, a female suggested I add a retinol at night a few times a week. Luckily, both sides of my family had terrific skin. My grandmother had few lines (no wrinkles) at 89 and my mother was just beginning to get crow's feet when she died at 71. So, those of you who have products you swear by, please share brands! For now, I'm back to reading labels with impossibly tiny print!

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@ShanusI think we all buy into the skincare products to a certain degree; however, I do not spend $$$ for retin, serums, etc.  I use a moisturizer in the a.m. and at bedtime I use Marula oil and sometimes I change it up with Argan w/rose geranium oil.  I would love to find a moisturizer I really love.  So far No. 7 is actually quite nice with spf and a reasonble price.  I do have my HG in tinted moisturizer with Laura Mercier.    Cat Very Happy

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@suzyQ3 wrote:

@lousgirl84 wrote:

Since when did Adrienne move to Evine.  You mean she finally outlived her stay at HSN

@Teddixat, probably just a goof. She's still at HSN.

Over the years I feel I should have earned a PhD in cosmetics! 😉 I have learned a few things for sure.  First, no matter what the claim, much of the "proof" is simply the cameraman. For example, if you smile broadly, you get crow's feet. When a product works, don't smile so broadly! Voila! Great results! I also listen for clinical results instead of consumer results. Most of us a impressionable. When before & after is shown, I rarely see improvement. Usually, I prefer the before! I often wonder how many of us believe what we're told subconsciously? Like the other posts, I know why companies add/change products. However, if what they sell is truly effacatious there should be no need to change it or add to it! Products do get used up and if they work, we purchase them again. I, too, get suspicious when new products keep getting added to brands. Like, JM new serum/oil. It is inGodly expensive for the amount you get. I fell for the hype and bought one. I even bought a second before I tried the first. Once I tried it tho,it went right back! It has an awful scent to begin with! After a bit over 1 week the bottle is nearly empty! I do tend to overuse products, and yes, I used more than 1 drop per night, but I didn't bathe in it! I also found no benefit to it over original oil. So, for now my routine is cleansing with a good bar cleanser, Nirvana if there's time between washing and using skin care. Then,  I'm trying the milk again, but see little benefit so won't buy again. I use the face cream as my eye cream. I have to say I do think I have seen a big change from it. I also use it as my neck cream. Not so sure how well it works there, tho. I am trying the face balm as a primer because of the "natural" advantage. Not too thrilled. When all is used up, I'll stay with the original oil and face cream for my eyes. Period. Well, the masks are nice. So, ...

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@Imadickens I also use JM's face cream as an eye cream. But first I use a small amount of Rosehip Seed oil, let that set then use her cream. ..

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I don't mind a wide variety, but you do have to sort it out.


If you learn about skin and what makes it truly healthy -- from diet to exercise (and I believe genes play a small role) to lifestyle (i.e., no smoking) to technique and simple skin protecting & changing ingredients to what you, personally can & cannot use, you are way ahead of the marketing game.


But I still like to try new things, so let's see what somebody else "brilliantly" comes up with!