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Last night I was flipping through IN STYLE magazine. It seems every other page is skincare ads, new brands, products, promises and celebrity endorsements.


There seems to be a trend now towards serums w/ droppers (Bobbi Brown just introduced a line called "Remedies" w/ 5 or 6 tiny vials at $45 ea.). Purchased separately, each one promises to take care of a different skin condition from redness, sallowness, spots, lack of hydration.


Most skincare companies also now have peel off masks copied from the Korean idea of placing the antioxidants in a saturated sheet that covers the face w/ holes for eyes, nose and mouth.


Perhaps these many skincare companies are shooting themselves in the foot. All the additional products and claims is adding to the confusion and I, personally,  do not buy into all thos extra products. 


How do you feel? Overwhelmed by too many choices & claims?



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I personally do not feel overwhelmed by the choices because I know what my skin needs, what ingredients to avoid, what ingredients really work based on scientific evidence/studies, and now with only buying cruelty free, that makes my choices even more limited but, I agree, there are many, many choices out there.


If you read the beauty forum often, you can see that many women buy tons of different products and  I've read many posts with people mentioning a product they saw in an ad and asking if anyone has tried itso apparently the advertising IS working. I don't think the companies are shooting themselves in the foot because if it wasn't working well for them, they'd change strategies..and they don't.


I used to love reading magazines but the ads now outnumber the articles and that bugs me so I no longer read them. Even the articles now often read as an ad!



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[ Edited ]

@Shanus OMG!  Shanus, of course it confusing to many women. I have reached a point where I feel less is more, for me. My 2 HG's that I have been using for one yr. with all honestly has slowed down the aging process & my fine lines, 11's & forhead  are hardly noticable anymore. 100% organic cold pressed rose hip seed oil! I use it as a serum---natures vit.c,a & e...The 2nd is Rose Petal Rose Water. I do have smooth clear skin & when I was trying all those serums, they dried

ed me out & my fine lines were more  intense even using Argan oil & a hrdrating moisturizer. I use it day & night & spray my face with the rose water thruout the day & its my toner & setting spray. I never get myself de- hyrated and try my best to eat more healthy.

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@Shanus I just watch Adrienne Arpel on Evine & she had her TS with all the creams, tightenesr etc etc on the model...Talk about overload! She is a darliin' but she has fillers & botox.

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Yes, @Shanus, it is sensory overload in every sense of the word.


If a person enjoys being a skincare junkie, then so be it. But many would like to exit the cycle of buying everything they see or read about.


If you or anyone else is in that latter category, stop watching every beauty show, stop looking for the next best thing, revise how you read this forum so that you don't get unduly tempted, and stop and wait and think before purchasing a new product.


Like @HappyDaze, I focus on what I think I need and stick with what works for me. Very, very rarely do I stray. I've even reached the point at which I look at all new lines and products with a very jaundiced eye. This has helped me avoid falling for what is more often than not just a bunch of stale, ridiculous, and totally unfounded claims.

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I just go by what my derm recommends which isn't much....sunscreen, retinoids and moisturizer. She says most everything else won't do much to make you look younger and I believe her.

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I don,t like using more than two products at a time because you can't really tell what is working. That being said i have so much that there is only so much you can use up before it gets old. I think iam at the point , i will go cold turkey and not buy anything unless there is some grounbreaking , i used to gamble ( slots and i quit that 16 years ago and i definitely think this will be harder even though it is not really hurting anthing ,except wasting money. We will see.

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Just threw out all of my skincare products...some opened, some not....but all purchased within a couple of years.  Finally realized I just don't follow a skincare routine, other than washing with Purity.  At my age, 67, it is what it is!  I feel much better knowing I no longer waste my money on products I will not use.

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@Kabella. Sounds like a good regimen, but all for nothing w/o SPF at least 40 every day...face, neck & chest. Rain or shine. 👍🏼

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@suzyQ3. Not me. Not on skincare overload at all. I've used the same simple routine for 20 yrs. Night? Mild cleanser to remove makeup, Retin A  alternating nights w/ moisturizer & eye cream. Day? Vit. C serum, moisturizer, SPF 40 (higher in summer or if the sun), eye cream & that's it. 


I just find the skincare industry taking taking advantage of the never ending quest for youth and perfection.