On 3/20/2015 luvingit said: It is not unanimous. This board tells people to wear anything they want. That will always be the answer you get. I am 65 and older gals have to be careful with red. Too dark, too bright is too harsh and will age you. Look for reds that are almost berry or almost coral. Dilute the red with a top color or lip gloss to tone it down. It can be pretty if done right but proceed with caution. The bright reds only look good on a flawless, smooth face.
I somewhat agree. Certain people have coloring that is more suited to wear red. I'm one of them, but I tone mine way, way down.
If you apply with a brush, you can get that wash of red that is not going to be garish or harsh.
If you're not on stage, ladies, you need not wear strong lips, or strong anything for that matter.