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Re: Recommendations to stop thinning hair ?

Have your Dr check your vitamin D levels.  I started losing hair and when she checked it was in the low teens.  Had to take a prescription dosage to bring it up.  Did that for 3 months.  Can't believe the difference.  

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Re: Recommendations to stop thinning hair ?

Hair loss is also associated with high blood pressure. 

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Re: Recommendations to stop thinning hair ?

Flooding your body with a single vitamin does not seem like the solution.  Perhaps a review of all food intake is order.  Any deficiencies show up?  A, C, D, iron etc.

Thyroid can be a problem too.




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Re: Recommendations to stop thinning hair ?

All I can say is good luck. I have been battling this for a year. It came out of no where. I have had enough hair for 2 people all my life. It could be a hundred different things. I've had blood work done. Nothing jumps out. Most things I've taken have upset my stomach. Collagen gives me a headache. Minoxadil serum makes my scalp hurt, I use the foam. Procapil made my scalp hurt as well. I don't mean a little irritation. I had to to get up and wash my hair in the middle of the night. I've upped biotin as much as I can without stomach upset. Bought every shampoo and serum. I keep heat away from my hair unless I need to style. Finally bought a Hair Max a month ago. I've felt like a science experiment this past year. There are probably some things that help but I can't tolerate them. Every time I wash my  hair (only 2X a week) and see the hair in the drain I want to cry. I wish you luck with this. 

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Re: Recommendations to stop thinning hair ?

[ Edited ]

I have been taking 10000 mcg Biotin for over 20 years and my hair is thin as ever. Also tried silica bamboo caps, collagen,  keratin caps, nothing works. I cant comment on laser caps or Minoxidil, not used either. 

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Re: Recommendations to stop thinning hair ?

@Goodie2shoes @I am just noticing some thinning this year.   Not sure if it is aging or stress or something else.  I have been under a lot of stress.  I have a dermatologist appointment in July so I will ask for recommendations then.  I am noticing it mostly in one spot.  For the past month, I've been trying The Ordinary hair growth serum, but so far it only looks like I lost more hair.  I read that when starting something new, the weak hair will come out before new ones start to grow, so I guess I'll keep using it for awhile.  I also just purchased a hair ax comb, but I've only had a chance to use it once so far.


Let me know if you find something that works!  Right now I'm just using some Truhair fibers, I got on HSN, and some Clairol root coverup to cover it.  It is very distressing.  

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Re: Recommendations to stop thinning hair ?

In the meantime I suggest you try using hair fibers like Xfusion in the thinning areas, these can be a lifesaver, they are for me. 

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Re: Recommendations to stop thinning hair ?

[ Edited ]

I just this morning mentioned to my DD how thin my hair is getting---had chemo in 2012 then took meds for 10 years--all messed with my hair-- am about to turn 70 so no chance of it getting any better. won't tke the so called wonder hair supplements--they are bogus--guess I'll start looking at wigs,  which I wore during the bald days of my chemo--loved them then!


To add a note--I took biotin for months and months and months--with NO results. 

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Re: Recommendations to stop thinning hair ?

Thanks everyone for your responses and suggestions. Ihave been taking biotin for some time but I don't see results. I have been using collegen powder in my coffee, just started using Rogaine 2x's daily for about a month but I don't really see a big difference yet. I've tried Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. I also tried rosemary oil ( but only for a few weeks so maybe I should have tried it for a longer period of time.   I bought the Tru Hair powder from HSN so it's hiding my bald spots for now but it's so frustrating. I also take a mutivitamin but at my last MD check up my Vitamin D level was a bit high so I alternate my Biotin and mutivitamin to manage it. I really don't waant to buy one of those expensive caps I would rather use a topical  

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,755
Registered: ‎04-30-2012

Re: Recommendations to stop thinning hair ?

@ brandiwine Have your Dr check your vitamin D levels.  I started losing hair and when she checked it was in the low teens.  Had to take a prescription dosage to bring it up.  Did that for 3 months.  Can't believe the difference.  


I was taking Biotin and a multivitam but at my last MD visit my Vit D level was elevated due to taking both so I had to reduce taking both everyday. No improvement in hair regrowth from biotin but my nails grew stronger ! Woman Very Happy