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Is stronger than Retinol, yes?  Goes thru fewer conversions which correlates to stronger?  Not as strong as Retin A.  Does anyone here use Retinaldehyde?  If so, why?  Because it's not as strong and therefore possibly not as irritating?  I'm starting to consider a retinoid as a preventative.  Can it be used that way?  I've been afraid of Retin A due to its possible irritability.  I know I asked once if it would diminish or get rid of the "crinklies" on top of my cheekbones and was told it's not a "spot" treatment.  It's hard to know what to do.  I'm happy with my complexion but I'm trying to keep wrinkles at bay for as long as possible.

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@monicakm @Hi. Try paging Sileeme. She knows a lot about this subject. 

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My derm once told me that when it comes to using a retinoid your best option is tretinoin and that you get your money's worth when you consider how much it takes to get to your goal of getting it's anti-aging benefits. She went on further to say that using OTC retinoids is taking the long way and will cost you more money in the long run.  I agree with that and I say just cut to the chase and just go for the gold...the gold standard, tretinoin.


Start with a low-dose micro formulation. That is encapsulated for minimal irritation.

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[ Edited ]

Wayne Goss has a good video about how you can use tretrinoin if you have sensitive skin by not leaving it on overnight, instead you wash it off. I leave it on for two hours but you can play around with if. I do this since I have rosacea and sensitive skin except my chin.  

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@monicakm good advice here but I just want to add that if you start SLOW (like once a week for the first month, then twice a week for another month, etc) until you can use it nightly, you should be able to tolerate it fine.  Also, start with the lowest strength and increase when your derm suggests.

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@GenXmuse wrote:

Wayne Goss has a good video about how you can use tretrinoin if you have sensitive skin by not leaving it on overnight, instead you wash it off. I leave it on for two hours but you can play around with if. I do this since I have rosacea and sensitive skin except my chin.  




He's right! Skin actives, like tret, get absorbed and the stuff left on the surface really does not do anything but irritate. I rinse off my tret as soon as I get up in the morning. If I leave it on all morning then I get very dry and then some peeling later on. Timing is everything.

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OK, I'll do it.  Can you suggest a good dose to start with?  I don't have a dermatologist and don't want one.  I can get my family Dr to write a prescription.  I've been using Naturium Retinol for several months, along with Glycolic Acid 10% 

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That's interesting.  I don't consider my skin to be sensitive but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared to start tretinoin Smiley Surprised  

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Thank you!  What is the lowest strength?

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I would wash it off in the morning anyway to apply my essences and hydrating Glow Recipe products and Tatcha Water Cream.