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Question for those who use Philosophy Microdelivery Exfoliating Cleanser

Is it supposed to be yellowish? I just bought a new bottle. Completely sealed. The product has a yellow tinge to it. It's been a few years since I've bought the product so maybe I'm just not remembering it correctly. Just want to know before I use it, or return it...
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Re: Question for those who use Philosophy Microdelivery Exfoliating Cleanser

I bought one sometime this year, it's the large bottle, from their website. Mine has that yellow tinge to it. Several years ago, I thought it was lighter, almost white in color.

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Re: Question for those who use Philosophy Microdelivery Exfoliating Cleanser

I just found a sample packet. The product inside the packet is white-ish. I wonder if the bottle is bad. Yes, it was sealed, but I wonder if it turns if it sits too long.
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Re: Question for those who use Philosophy Microdelivery Exfoliating Cleanser

I don't use it now, but when I did it had a yellowish tinge to it.

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Re: Question for those who use Philosophy Microdelivery Exfoliating Cleanser

I use it daily and the bottle I'm using now I probably purchased over a year ago from philosophy's website.   It's not yellow at all.   It's definitely white. 

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Re: Question for those who use Philosophy Microdelivery Exfoliating Cleanser

I've been using the Microdelivery wash for several years now.   From my own experience, when the bottle is freshly opened, the gel is a whitish color.  I noticed over time that it can take on a yellowish tinge, but no discernible off odor, so I continue using it with no problems.  I also refill a smaller bottle from the super-size, and it's important always to shake well to keep the cleansing grains from settling to the bottom of the bottle.  Hope that helps.

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Re: Question for those who use Philosophy Microdelivery Exfoliating Cleanser

@Rachb wrote:
Is it supposed to be yellowish? I just bought a new bottle. Completely sealed. The product has a yellow tinge to it. It's been a few years since I've bought the product so maybe I'm just not remembering it correctly. Just want to know before I use it, or return it...

Hi @Rachb, I have come to learn in my many many years of buying skincare and m/u that there are 'lots' of these (vats) that are slightly different in shades sometimes when we get them, like your wash is more mine was new and yellowish too [few years back].

I'd not worry but call Philosophy's CS if it still bothers you and as others here said here in good advice. My wash was a mid sized bottle and lasted a very long time since I used it only 3 times a week and you as well may have it long time and wish it to be the same color as originally bought. [I don't exfoliate w/any beads hardly ever now].

I got this way with colors changing with my vit. C serum/liquids but they are 'actives'...then switched to a better C.

This wash is not an "active" like an aha cleanser etc., so I would not worry if this helps you.

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Re: Question for those who use Philosophy Microdelivery Exfoliating Cleanser

been using it for about 2 yrs. mine has never been yellow. maybe it's old and been sitting    around?? i did notice with mine one time all the crystal beads in it were gone and it was watery, i knew it was old..