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Posts: 388
Registered: ‎03-28-2010

Potency of Tanners and Spa products

I have several  outlet of self tanners and SPA sun tan  lotions from last year. Do you think they are still  viable?   Is the potency less because they are a year old?  Wondering if I should toss them  out.

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Posts: 35,984
Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Re: Potency of Tanners and Spa products

[ Edited ]

The problem is not that they will turn into poison, but what happens is the lotion starts to separate and this can make your tan uneven. Once the lotion starts separating then it might be difficult to shake it back to the original intended consistency. Another thing is the formulation might not give you the right color or no color if it's old. Look for this symbol on your product. This one means toss 6 months after opening. However, for most self-tanner lotions it's best to use before one year opened or not.

