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I had to go hunting for the Ponds Product that is supposed to help age spots. After 2 Targets

and several drug stores, I did what I should have done in the beginning and ordered it from

Target. Less than $9.00 and free shipping. We will see.

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For the future (and something I recently learned), I'm pretty sure you can check stock for items when you are online. Saves the driving around.

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Ohhh I hope it helps! I don't want people hating me if they try it and nothing happens! I used three products and that was one. The retin a and the c serum did something too but I can say that the ponds does work because I also use it on my arms and I don't use the serum and retin a there and my arms have definitely faded a lot. I apply twice a day religiously. At least it's cheap so if it doesn't work you won't have to hate me too much lol Smiley Wink. Ps....I got mine at Kmart. No place else I looked had it.
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Also.....wait after you cleanse or shower....I found that it stung a bit if my pores were open from cleansing or showering but it didn't bother me if I waited 30 minutes to an hour before applying.
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MissButtercup, I read your post and told my husband that he needs this because of spots on his head and facial skin. I truly appreciate your post about this Pond's cream. He would not bother with your routine but surely he will use the cream. Again, I thank you.


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Awww that is cute! Make sure he wears sunscreen! I hope it helps a little. It can't hurt unless he has a reaction to it. Smiley Happy
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I lucked up and found a small jar in the travel size racks at Walmart for $1.47...they didn't have the large jar at all. I'm happy with the small trial size, it's 1.75 oz just enough to see if it works. The scent is strong but I've smelled worse. It won't keep me from using it.

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I picked it up at Kmart also.

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I slathered it all over my chest arms and face for two weeks twice a day before I noticed something. I really hate the smell. I like the smell of the rejuveness. I picked that up too.
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I wonder if Ulta has it? I'm going there friday. I will look.