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Re: Pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck -- sheesh -- never ending!

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

I do thank you each for your replies!  Wow --- lots of different remedies!  I am mulling this all over.  I do have very fair hair on my face --- that's one positive!  I just hate having hair around my lip and mouth area.  I don't know if any of you get this, but I get this so that they are nearly on my actual lips!  


My issue has definitely gotten way worse since menopause.  It seems like my hair doesn't grow very much at all and has gotten a lot thinner and more brittle.  But this darn facial hair is just thriving!!! 


I am trying to decide what to use of the methods you listed.  I think I am going to rule out waxing and the creams because I am afraid of a reaction and sensitivity.  


Thanks again, everyone, much appreciated!



@AngelPuppy1- Please let us know what route you decide to take and your results.  We'd all love to see a follow up thread from you in the future!  Smiley Happy

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Re: Pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck -- sheesh -- never ending!

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

I get so tired of this!  Every morning when I get up one of the first things I do is pluck around my lips, especially the upper lip.  I use a magnifying mirror because I can't see that well and some of the shorter hairs are stiff and hard to get to, but I can't stand them and want them gone!  Thankfully, they are very light but still .....


My skin is so sensitive so I am fearful of using products to remove hair and also those little appliances I have heard can cause ingrown hairs or irritation.


For those with this issue and who also have sensitive skin, what is your solution?


I see in the drugstore hair removal creams and lotions which say they are for sensitive skin, but am afraid to try.


I have read here that some of you shave but I am afraid this will cause burn, irritation, and worse -- I would probably cut myself!  HA!


Thanks for all your help!!!  



@AngelPuppy1 Hi. My skin is too sensitive because of Retin A to use the cream hair removers or cream bleaches. I use the face shavers w/ light on the end...forgot the name. Just be sure face is dry and hold area of skin tight. After I’m finished, lasts at least 2 wks.


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Re: Pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck -- sheesh -- never ending!

At age 62 I do have a few rogue hairs that pop up on my upper lip.... so once a week I..........


Take a cheap Bic razor(I  buy a pack at the dollar store...and throw away  each shaver after two uses)  and on a clean DRY face I shave  my entire face( including forehead)  and  my neck.


This not only gets rid of the upper lip hair, it exfoliates my skin better than anything else and gets rid of that pesky peach fuzz too. 


I have been been doing this  shaving weekly for over ten years now.  I think it has helped my skin to turn over and stay nice looking🙂

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Re: Pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck -- sheesh -- never ending!

I purchased an epilator from the Q about a year ago. I used it, but it hurt like heck. I mean it REALLY hurt. Maybe because my upper lip is a sensitive area? I still sucked it up and used it since it did a good job. The last time I used it, it "caught" on my skin and in a single second it "traveled" from my upper lip, down my lip and stopped on the inside of my mouth. I actually bled and had a puffy upper lip for two days. Never, ever again; it happened so fast that there is nothing I could have done to stop it.


I have had great luck with Avon products, and use their facial hair remover for sensitive skin. It is on sale for $2.99 right now.



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Re: Pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck -- sheesh -- never ending!

Try an eyebrow razor. They're sold just about everywhere in multipacks for just a few dollars. Quick painless results.

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Re: Pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck -- sheesh -- never ending!

@SeaMaiden wrote:

At age 62 I do have a few rogue hairs that pop up on my upper lip.... so once a week I..........


Take a cheap Bic razor(I  buy a pack at the dollar store...and throw away  each shaver after two uses)  and on a clean DRY face I shave  my entire face( including forehead)  and  my neck.


This not only gets rid of the upper lip hair, it exfoliates my skin better than anything else and gets rid of that pesky peach fuzz too. 


I have been been doing this  shaving weekly for over ten years now.  I think it has helped my skin to turn over and stay nice looking🙂


I think that is why men have such nice skin, exfoliating every morning. 

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Re: Pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck -- sheesh -- never ending!

Thanks so much!  OW -- some of your experiences sound so painful!  Makes me scared to try some of these things.


My skin reacts to everything --- absolutlely everything.  It's just a drag.  


I don't understand why so much hair can keep growing --- where it shouldn't!  Gasp!!!! 

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Re: Pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck -- sheesh -- never ending!

@Caffeina- I've seen those packages of eyebrow razors at various stores and have been tempted to buy.  Thanks for your recommendation -- I'll buy one next time.  Seems like you get about 10 for $3, or something ridiculously cheap like that.  I've seen them demonstrated on HSN (much more expensive ones, of course) and it looks easy and painless.  "Painless" is what I'm going for!

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Re: Pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck -- sheesh -- never ending!

@panda1234 wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

At age 62 I do have a few rogue hairs that pop up on my upper lip.... so once a week I..........


Take a cheap Bic razor(I  buy a pack at the dollar store...and throw away  each shaver after two uses)  and on a clean DRY face I shave  my entire face( including forehead)  and  my neck.


This not only gets rid of the upper lip hair, it exfoliates my skin better than anything else and gets rid of that pesky peach fuzz too. 


I have been been doing this  shaving weekly for over ten years now.  I think it has helped my skin to turn over and stay nice looking🙂


I think that is why men have such nice skin, exfoliating every morning. 

@SeaMaiden@panda1234, I actually read in a beauty magazine several years ago that this is true. Or at least the author of that article believed it!