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Re: OT - What is everyone giving up during Lent??

On 2/18/2015 brewhaha said:

Posting here. Oops.

I gave up Lent when I gave up Catholicism. Good luck to all who celebrate Easter and observe Lent. My friend gives up candy for Lent each year and it keeps him mindful without being too awful.

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Re: OT - What is everyone giving up during Lent??

I think giving up something you like (even if it does have the nice by-product of helping you lose weight can be very Christian thing to do. It puts you in solidarity with and awareness of the world's neediest people.

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Re: OT - What is everyone giving up during Lent??

I don't mean to be insulting to anyone who participates in observing Lent, but it always puzzled me as to how giving up some small habit or pleasure for a little over a month was even remotely similar to Christ's suffering and sacrifice.

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Re: OT - What is everyone giving up during Lent??

On 2/18/2015 BellaCarro said:
On 2/18/2015 icezeus said:
On 2/18/2015 Snowpuppy said:
On 2/18/2015 BellaCarro said: I will fast today. Getting up and making it to 7:30 am Mass on time was a good start. Not rolling my eyes at the co-worker who told me I had dirt on my forehead I thought was pretty good too. (Really, you've lived over 40 years and never seen a Catholic on Ash Wednesday- there I said it).<br /> However, rather than give up I will add. Several years ago our parish priest spoke about mindfully adding prayer to your daily life. That really resonated with me. You don't have to be one particular religion to do that. Take some time each day to be quiet, reflect, think about your relationship with your higher power (whatever it or whoever that may be), how can I be better to those around me, how can I just be a better person, pray for the wrongs I've done & mistakes made. Pray for tolerance and patIence, both toward others and toward me. Maybe that will go beyond the next forty days.

Absolutely beautiful post!

I love this idea.

Father Jim will be so pleased Smiley Happy. The Catholic Church, believe it or not, has progressed. At least it has on some parish levels. My DD just went through the Sacrament of Confirmation. I was astounded and moved by the outright tolerance and generosity of spirit shown by our parish priest when answering some very tough questions by the teens. Of course, the new Pope is a a thorn in the side of many of the old guard.

And so was our Lord.

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Re: OT - What is everyone giving up during Lent??

I don't give up anything for lent. What I do is to do something either for myself to make me a better person or for someone else. I find it is hard to do something that I have been putting off then to give up something.

This time I am going to volunteer at an animal shelter. I have always wanted to do that but keep saying I don't have time.

I also hate going to the dentist and have been putting it off way too long.

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Re: OT - What is everyone giving up during Lent??

I seem to fail many times when giving up something. This year, I'd trying something different. I'm adding tolerance, try to reduce judgement & negativity by being a nicer person in general, and adding a prayer or two. I find Lent to be a time to do a spot check on my spiritual health. Good luck everyone!

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Re: OT - What is everyone giving up during Lent??

I went to Catholic school for 12 years and we were encouraged to add special prayers daily and do good works instead of or in addition to giving up anything.

I never did understand the no meat during Lent or Fridays those were the times when we went out to eat fish of pizza and that was a real treat!!

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Re: OT - What is everyone giving up during Lent??

On 2/18/2015 Pook said:

I went to Catholic school for 12 years and we were encouraged to add special prayers daily and do good works instead of or in addition to giving up anything.

I never did understand the no meat during Lent or Fridays those were the times when we went out to eat fish of pizza and that was a real treat!!

I went to Catholic school also but we were encouraged to give up so,etching in a sacrificial way, that meant giving of time, talents, etc to help others, our church gave out a daily Lenten planner that has some of the simplest things to do. Today is to pray for someone who is difficult to like or love. When I was a kid, I remember telling my mom I'd like to give up doing dinner dishes! She lovingly told me what it really meant and suggested I do something else!
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Re: OT - What is everyone giving up during Lent??

On 2/18/2015 JeanLouiseFinch said:

I don't mean to be insulting to anyone who participates in observing Lent, but it always puzzled me as to how giving up some small habit or pleasure for a little over a month was even remotely similar to Christ's suffering and sacrifice.

I am not Catholic but it is my understanding that is just a reminder of Christ suffering and to remind them of their beliefs.

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Re: OT - What is everyone giving up during Lent??

On 2/18/2015 Kitlynn said:
On 2/18/2015 JeanLouiseFinch said:

I don't mean to be insulting to anyone who participates in observing Lent, but it always puzzled me as to how giving up some small habit or pleasure for a little over a month was even remotely similar to Christ's suffering and sacrifice.

I am not Catholic but it is my understanding that is just a reminder of Christ suffering and to remind them of their beliefs. They don't think it is similar to his suffering in any way.