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Re: OT-Osteoporosis again...

On 6/3/2014 beautybrowsing said:

Does anyone know how much a bone density test cost. I think I have to pay out of pocket. How did you all get your insurance to pay for the test.

Your insurance should pay for a bone density. When I worked in the medical field, I never ran into a situation that a patient did not have coverage for that. You may have a co-pay though.

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Re: OT-Osteoporosis again...

On 5/29/2014 AngelPuppy1 said:

I could not take these meds because of serious stomach issues. My doctor recommended Reclast for me. I did the same thing as you. I read and researched on all of these meds until I made myself sick with worry. I finally had to come to a decision and agree to take the Reclast IV. Once a year. I have had 3 now. My first one, I got very ill and felt like I had the flu for like 2-3 days. After that I was fine and did not have the severe reactions with the other 2. I will not say that I am happy that I am doing this because the thought of these meds still scare me to death. But I don't want to be breaking bones all over the place either. My re-checks have not shown any improvement I am sorry to say, but I have not seemed to have gotten any worse. When I go this time to talk to my doctor and get re-checked, I am going to see if I can lay off the stuff for awhile.

Best wishes. It's kind of a like a no-win situation. You have to make a choice and there are bad and good whether you take the meds or you don't.

Oh, forgot to mention, the Reclast is rather expensive if that is an issue. Depending upon your insurance plan. It is like $500.

At the time that I had my Recast, my injections were all covered. I did not even have to pay a co-pay. My insurance was amazing at that time. I now have something that is pretty lousy and I am sure it would not pay for these injections. Fortunately, I was able to have these injections and finish the treatment.

Posts: 41
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: OT-Osteoporosis again...

Back again, I don't do well with these medications. Tried just one of the Atelvia and the heartburn/chest pain is like torture. Called the doctor again yesterday and he took me off this one as well. Has anyone experienced really bad heartburn from these....? Did it eventually subside? I am taking things for that now. Very discouraged. I see him in a couple weeks when this heartburn situation subsides. He is sure it will....but it's still pretty bad and I took the pill on Sunday. I did not have this pain before the pills at all so it's most definitely a side effect. I hope it goes away soon. :-(

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Re: OT-Osteoporosis again...

On 6/4/2014 donor said:

Back again, I don't do well with these medications. Tried just one of the Atelvia and the heartburn/chest pain is like torture. Called the doctor again yesterday and he took me off this one as well. Has anyone experienced really bad heartburn from these....? Did it eventually subside? I am taking things for that now. Very discouraged. I see him in a couple weeks when this heartburn situation subsides. He is sure it will....but it's still pretty bad and I took the pill on Sunday.

I did not have this pain before the pills at all so it's most definitely a side effect. I hope it goes away soon. :-(

Had the 6 month Prolia shot and have such bad heartburn (chest pain) that I am now on Omeprazole ( generic Prilosec). Debating if I'll do the next one in 6 months. The pain is unbearable.
Posts: 41
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: OT-Osteoporosis again...

Thank you for all your stories.....I have no access to a pool and sadly for me, I have to do a medication because everything else I tried didn't help. BeautyAddiction, I am on Prilosec also at least for a while until this all settles down. The heartburn was frightening enough that I called the doc's emergency number after hours the first day. Yesterday it was horrible once again and today is a bit better....I think the Prilosec, antacids, mylanta etc. etc. are helping...but what an ordeal to go thru. I see the doctor in a couple weeks and we talk about what's next. Despite HRT and 95% compliance with all things holistic, foods, supplements etc. etc. I am sliding. I cannot do heavy impact exercise so walking and yoga type workouts are what I do. So....will keep you all I think it is so important to share what we learn about this with other women. I don't know many women who are on these fact none so I have no basis to compare. Thanks again for being open with me. xo


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Re: OT-Osteoporosis again...

I take Osteoprime forte and my scores have improved:

Its formulated by two doctors who also wrote a book about osteoporosis that is probably available at your local library:

This is a newer book that I haven't had a chance to look at yet:

I believe there is some sort of test that shows how you are absorbing Vitamin D. I ran across this article featuring the head of the National Osteoporosis Foundation that talks about some new meds:

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Re: OT-Osteoporosis again...

Wonder if there is a natural way to increase my bone density without taking injections. I mean something like sulfur, D3, and magnesium. Anyone have any suggestions.

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Re: OT-Osteoporosis again...

I've taken Fosomax for years and now my insurance requires I take the generic version. Thankfully I have no problems with it and I do have GI problems which were around prior to taking Fosomax.