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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

On 3/31/2014 Dusty1 said:

I don't like the tip being mentioned on the bill, either, & I think that is particularly tacky. A tip is supposed to be a "gift" for good service. Papa John's Pizza box says something about being sure to tip your driver for their extraordinary service & I think "It's a dude that drives to my house & drops a pizza off. It's nice, but it's not all that extraordinary.".

Yeah, but maybe he drives his Ferrari and those cars get about 2 MPG so he needs a big tip to buy gas{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

It's just a recommendation.

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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

I have seen many places put the following comment at the bottom of their menu...""your bill will automatically reflect a gratuity of 20% for your convenience.""

I guess this gives wait staff no incentive at all to deliver great service if they are getting 20% no matter how poor the service is!

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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

Some people are unaware how much servers actually earn per hour. When I waitressed, I earned $2.13 an hour, so I definitely relied on tips. Servers are taxed based on the sales for the day, not on the amount of tips they actually receive. Depending on the establishment, they also can have to tip out to the bar and the busboys (based on their sales). (It used to be that servers had to declare 8% of their sales, but I don't know about now). So if you stiff your server, they are still paying taxes based on how much your bill was. That's why you should always tip on the original amount of the bill (never on the price after coupons/promotions) so that you can help them earn a decent hourly wage. Ditto if you add on a take out order/dessert to your bill.

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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

I'm even a waitress and don't like seeing that on a check! I find it tacky almost like they're telling me what I am going to leave my server! Tipping is part of dining out and calculating isn't always necessary; if you've been happy with your service just be generous Smiley Happy
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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

On 3/31/2014 Mustangshar said: For some of us mathematically challenged, LOL, I think it's helpful. I wouldn't feel insulted. Just another viewpoint. Smiley Happy


Having the math done for you makes the whole process much quicker. The restaurant is still leaving the % choice to you in this case instead of automatically adding a tip (common for groups).

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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

On 3/31/2014 MargieRJ said:
On 3/31/2014 Mustangshar said: For some of us mathematically challenged, LOL, I think it's helpful. I wouldn't feel insulted. Just another viewpoint. Smiley Happy


Having the math done for you makes the whole process much quicker. The restaurant is still leaving the % choice to you in this case instead of automatically adding a tip (common for groups).

almost everyone has a calculator on their phone if they cant do simple math...just figure 10% then double it and go from there.

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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

Don't worry about it, chi. My sense is that you're the type of person who would leave a fair tip anyway. But not everyone does! I know people in the local restaurant business, and I won't single any country out, but some people from some countries, never tip their servers.
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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

Offended? Why? No one is TELLING you what to tip. Restaurants do this for the mathematically challenged and for the cheapskates who think a 5-10% tip is acceptable. MANY restaurants do this----and have been doing so for years.

Tip 20% and you don't need a calculator. It's simple :-)

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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

On 3/31/2014 Dusty1 said:

I don't like the tip being mentioned on the bill, either, & I think that is particularly tacky. A tip is supposed to be a "gift" for good service. Papa John's Pizza box says something about being sure to tip your driver for their extraordinary service & I think "It's a dude that drives to my house & drops a pizza off. It's nice, but it's not all that extraordinary.".

So here's an idea------next time go and pick up the pizza yourself and skip the delivery. What's tacky is having to think twice about tipping a delivery person.