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O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

Sorry for the O/T - but there are always so many members on this Board that I thought I'd get some good input --

I invited a friend for lunch to celebrate her birthday at one of my favorite restaurants. The restaurant is a take-off of a Paris bistro…..tablecloths, linen napkins, the music, the décor, the servers wear those long white aprons that are tied at the waist. Prices are relatively high (glass of wine=$8.00) but it was a special occasion and great change of pace to eat someplace that always reminds me of a more gentile and civilized time in life.

As I looked around, the clientele was mostly women. I normally go to this place for dinner at which time the clientele is a combo of men and women and last time I was there was about 4 months ago.

My friend and I ordered relatively high priced entrees. She also ordered champagne and we both had a dessert. Our waiter was great. I was already thinking that I’d be tipping him more than the standard percentage because of his wonderful service.

I get the bill and at the bottom there is printed:

“As a service to our customers, we recommend the following gratuity for your server

18% of $76.50 is $xxxx

19% of $76.50 is $xxxx

20% of $76.50 is $xxxx”

(sorry, there were dollar amounts where I put the "x" but can't calculate as I'm writing this)

I had to look at it twice to make sure that I wasn’t delusional. I took out my pen and wrote next to this directive the following: “VERY OFFENSIVE”

I actually wound up leaving our waiter a 22% tip but had to REALLY think hard about that – my thought after reading that message was to just leave $0 tip but felt that it wasn’t the waiter’s fault that the restaurant owners (an investment group) are idiots.

Is this something new in restaurants? Was I being too thin-skinned?

Seriously, we are now being told how much to tip?

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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

For some of us mathematically challenged, LOL, I think it's helpful. I wouldn't feel insulted. Just another viewpoint. Smiley Happy
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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

I think it's just to make it easier for people. I think you might be taking it the wrong way. I'm glad you left the waiter a tip -- it certainly wasn't his/her fault! Smiley Happy
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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

I think they were just trying to help you figure out the tip.Way too thin skinned.
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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

My husband and I recently went to Olive Garden and the same tipping recommendation was at the bottom of our check. I thought it was very helpful and wondered why restaurants had waited so long to implement this. Seems like a great idea to me.
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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

I think you are taking this too seriously, i have seen this before. Keep in mind most people cant do simple math for themselves anymore, I usually use a calculator on my phone
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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

I don't like the tip being mentioned on the bill, either, & I think that is particularly tacky. A tip is supposed to be a "gift" for good service. Papa John's Pizza box says something about being sure to tip your driver for their extraordinary service & I think "It's a dude that drives to my house & drops a pizza off. It's nice, but it's not all that extraordinary.".

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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

I see this quite often, and it's never bothered me. Where I live, we have a lot of tourists from other countries where tipping isn't I feel like this info is helpful for them.
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Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

Actually the thought that some people may be "mathematically challenged" did occur to me and I always have to use my calculator app on my cellphone to figure out the tip.

But it also occurred to me that with most people having cellphones now - especially i-phones or androids, a calculator app is standard on these phones.

Guess I am too thin-skinned.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: O/T How can a restaurant have the nerve to tell you how much to tip?

The restaurant was attempting to make calculating tipping easier and probably an option with the computer system. Many people don't know how to tip these days other than a few dollars, even at nice restaurants. This is a trend in our so called developed country. I was reading a news article that compared our education and expectations from businesses of college graduates to that of INDIA, a not quite developed country. We are at the bottom of developed countries such that are more readily compared to undeveloped countries instead of our contemporary powers. This is our society.