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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

I don't understand this ALS ice bucket thing. If you DON'T donate money, you have to pour a bucket of ice water on yourself?!?! That makes no sense to me.
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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

On 8/19/2014 LadyBug77 said: I don't understand this ALS ice bucket thing. If you DON'T donate money, you have to pour a bucket of ice water on yourself?!?! That makes no sense to me.

ITA. There are other more practical ways for ALS awareness.

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

On 8/18/2014 F1wild said:

I just saw Charlie Sheen's version where he dumps $10K in bills over his head and said that would be his donation. He challenged Jon Cryer, Chuck Lorre & Ashton Kucher to do the same. I gotta say it's inventive.

Oprah did the challenge then challenged Steven Spielberg, Manish Dayal & Helen Mirren to do the same. IMO, this was just Oprah advertising her co-produced movie, The Hundred-foot Journey. Not sure if I appreciate that.

Hi F1---I say who cares what anyone is promoting--if it adds up for more dollars to get rid of this horrible disease, than go for it. Finally Charlie Sheen is doing something his family can be proud of. He was such a wreck and a constant embarrassment. $10k dollars in a bucket poured over your head------better than ice!! My SIL died a few years back from ALS--horrible way to go.

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

This is one of those things that starts out with great intent but then selfish people co-opt it for their own personal fame and promotion. But as long as it makes money that's all that matters. I just hope all of these self promoters actually come through with the check they are supposedly promising.

It will be interesting to see how much of this promised money actually shows up at the charity.

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

On 8/19/2014 susanks1 said:
On 8/18/2014 autumnfaire said:

No, but I think making a donation is much better than wasting so much water, especially when there is drought in some parts of the country, and people in need around the world~

I agree.

Totally agree....

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

On 8/19/2014 Troop_Angel said:
On 8/19/2014 LadyBug77 said: I don't understand this ALS ice bucket thing. If you DON'T donate money, you have to pour a bucket of ice water on yourself?!?! That makes no sense to me.

ITA. There are other more practical ways for ALS awareness.

Really? Last year a little over 1 million was raised by using "more practical ways" and this year it's over 13 million so far by doing something fun. Bless whoever started this. Not only will it save lives someday, but the understanding of what this horrible disease does to people. I would venture neither one of you has watched a loved one go through this. How blessed are you. For a friend of mine it comes to late.

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

The concept may seem dumb, but since it's for such a good cause and the effect has been a tremendous increase in making people aware of ALS and they have exceeded their fundraising goal, I say {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}.

Seems like anything I tune into someone is having ice water dumped over their head and the money keeps rolling in. As of today... $15 million and counting up!

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

On 8/19/2014 Troop_Angel said:
On 8/19/2014 LadyBug77 said: I don't understand this ALS ice bucket thing. If you DON'T donate money, you have to pour a bucket of ice water on yourself?!?! That makes no sense to me.

ITA. There are other more practical ways for ALS awareness.

...and none of them have worked.

For those that don't understand, even if you take the challenge, you of course make a donation anyway.

They have raised nine times as much THIS year as they have in the past.


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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

I think it's awesome! And the ones I've seen state who they nominate next, the challenge must be completed within 24 hrs, and if they don't do the ice they have to donate. Preferably they do both the ice and the donation.

It's all fun and for a good cause. Much better than rioting and looting don't you think?

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

BTW, I think it's fun for the "stars" to be involved. Imagine if someone nominated them and they DID NOT do the challenge? Then you would be complaining they aren't like the rest of us, they are too good to get involved, they don't donate their wealth, yada yada.

Some people just like to complain about everything!