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O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Hey guys! Smiley Happy So it seems like this ice bucket challenge is trending now to help raise awareness for the ALS Association. Have any of you been challenged yet?
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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

No, but I think making a donation is much better than wasting so much water, especially when there is drought in some parts of the country, and people in need around the world~

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

I just saw Charlie Sheen's version where he dumps $10K in bills over his head and said that would be his donation. He challenged Jon Cryer, Chuck Lorre & Ashton Kucher to do the same. I gotta say it's inventive.

Oprah did the challenge then challenged Steven Spielberg, Manish Dayal & Helen Mirren to do the same. IMO, this was just Oprah advertising her co-produced movie, The Hundred-foot Journey. Not sure if I appreciate that.

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

I have not but our nieces, great nephew and 2 cousins all participated. Hey, I wouldn't do it but it's been raising a lot of money so, whatever floats your boat.

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

The news blurb said the ALS organization received $1.-something million last year, to this date. This year their to date is $13.-something million. Huge increase! The challenge must be working to bring awareness to the cause.

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Yep--- accepted and completed. Video posted. Donation given. Boom!

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

I personally have not been nominated to do it because I am not on social media. My kids have been nominated, and have done it, one of them doing it twice. I saw a clip on the news last night that the ALS foundation is reporting their donations are quadruple what they usually are. Glad it is at least working. It did kind of throw a wrench into my constant preaching to my children about being a leader not a follower. "Relax, it is for charity!" is what my daughter's response was. If everyone would just send in $1 rather than waste the time posting the ridiculous videos....

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Someone in my office was challenged and asked me to film it, until he read that California was fining people for wasting water in a drought. And because people are posting their videos online they can easily be caught. Better to make the donation instead.

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

On 8/18/2014 tiamaria said:

I personally have not been nominated to do it because I am not on social media. My kids have been nominated, and have done it, one of them doing it twice. I saw a clip on the news last night that the ALS foundation is reporting their donations are quadruple what they usually are. Glad it is at least working. It did kind of throw a wrench into my constant preaching to my children about being a leader not a follower. "Relax, it is for charity!" is what my daughter's response was. If everyone would just send in $1 rather than waste the time posting the ridiculous videos....

But then no one would know about it, would they? It's all in good fun for a good cause. I enjoyed taking part and watching the videos! So glad they made so much money---hope it goes a long way to finding a cure for this terrible disease. As a breast cancer survivor, I hope they do something similar. I'll bet many charities now will!

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Re: O/T ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

The “Ice Bucket Challenge,” a campaign to raise money to fight Lou Gehrig's ... people to take the “no ice bucket challenge” and just donate the money. ... So in order to rewrite the end of it, we need to raise awareness, money.