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I was wondering if anyone uses any teeth whitener that is considered non toxic, chemical free?


I have used a few including the crest white strips but wanted to find something that does not have chemicals. Some of the stuff you use, you do swallow in small amounts no matter how hard you try not to.


Please let me know if you have any suggestions! Thank you.

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Re: Non Toxic Teeth Whitener?

[ Edited ]

Have you looked at  toms products for teeth? I know that is all natural for toothpaste but don't know if it will whiten. also baking soda helps a little. Look on E*vine dot com (without the asterisk) ; they have a brand called BOKU that has a natural tooth powder or paste, but don't know if it will whiten. Also lemon juice whitens. Google what you are looking for.

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Re: Non Toxic Teeth Whitener?

I make my own mixing baking soda and a small amount of hydrogen peroxide- just enough to make a paste like mixture. I began brushing my teeth once a day with this mix, and regular toothpaste the other time. In about 6 weeks I noticed my teeth were much whiter than when I used the Crest strips. To maintain results, I use the mix now every other day once a day. Just be patient and wait for results. oh, and no sensitivity whatsoever! The Crest strips made my gums and teeth extremely sensitive after just a few applications.

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Re: Non Toxic Teeth Whitener?

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@HouseMouse     Once a week you could open a capsule of charcole powder and sprinkle it on your tooth has a mild abrasive action. Dr Oz had it on his show last week for teeth whitening.

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Re: Non Toxic Teeth Whitener?

I don't know of any but if I do, I will let you know! Hope you can read this!

Posts: 55
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Re: Non Toxic Teeth Whitener?

I know many will poo poo this but coconut oil is like magic for your teeth. I take a table spoon of raw organic coconut oil and swish it around my mouth for 15 min in the am. Do this before you brush your teeth. Also spit out in a trash can not down your sink. My dentist and dental hygienist both have complimented me on my white smile. It's natural and cheap ( compared to other products). I get compliments on my smile a lot! Please remember your teeth should never be whiter than the whites of your eyes. Otherwise it looks fake. 

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Re: Non Toxic Teeth Whitener?

I like the idea of using coconut oil as a rinse.  It's supposed to be anti microbial, anti fungal,  'anti this' and 'anti that'.  Very soothing on the skin.  I use it as a moisturizer.  And, as someone else mentioned, I'm not crazy about teeth that are too-too white.  It's a distraction, IMO. 

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Re: Non Toxic Teeth Whitener?

I am happy for the replies. I plan to try :-)

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Re: Non Toxic Teeth Whitener?

I use hydrogen peroxide and it works as well as all the other costly whiteners.  It's a chemical of course but not damaging on the gums for me.  Just a rinse after I brush and another rinse with water.  Works wonders. 

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Re: Non Toxic Teeth Whitener?

Oil pulling is the only thing I can think of that is going to be really non-toxic and chemical free. It is also healthy & offers benefits for teeth.


There are are products that are safer to use than others but I have never heard of any labeled non-toxic. That requires special testing.