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Good morning all who are Philosophy gals and will probably have the Q on all day for Phil.

Did MariLyn say that this new balm takes the place of the WHINE serum or do we use them together?



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Doesn't replace the serum...said you could use it after the serum, at least in one presentation I saw.

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Hi Ladies-I was intrigued by this product. Although I thought I gave up on Philosophy skin care a looong time ago. And then every once in a while they have a new product that gets me to reconsider. Hmmm?
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I would use it on top of the serum, but directions on the Q site say to use it on a cleansed skin.

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Hi. I watched the presentation with Dara Lynn. She said cleanse, then use your serum then apply the balm.


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Registered: ‎07-03-2013
I ordered it. It doesn't ship until May. Can't wait to get it.