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Need Opinions on Neck/Shoulder/Jaw/Scalp Tension

Hi all,

I have been struggling with pain in my neck/shoulders/jaw/scalp for months now. I take Tramadol every day so I can get up and make it through my work day. Mornings are the worst. I clench my teeth at night (I do have a dentist-made bite splint) which of course protects the teeth but doesn't prevent you from clenching.

I also take 10 mg of Celexa nightly. I have tried counseling, exercise,stretching, chiropractor adjustments (they do help) and just trying to relax better but this continues to dominate my life.

I am 6 years away from retirement and have a stressful (don't we all?) job in management. I try reading motivation books/articles, praying, and I am about out of options.

a. do any of you go through this? what helps you to cope?

b. did you change jobs and just deal with the financial end of it? (I don't want more stress by not having enough to take care of obligations)

c. do I need to take a different medication so I can sleep without clenching?

d. is this just part of aging? I am in good shape and try to eat properly (lost 30 lbs) blood work is all good.

Any/all thoughts are welcomed. I really appreciate it because I need to do something. I am going to consult my doctor (I did in June and told him I would research some coping strategies before changing meds which he agreed with).

I have had a lot of loss in the past 2 years, mom, brother, brother-in-law, 15 year coworker that I adored, husband has health issues and of course getting older. I will be 59 next month.


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Re: Need Opinions on Neck/Shoulder/Jaw/Scalp Tension

Hi Tarsmom. I am so sorry for your recent losses and all of the stress you are going through. We are at an age group where we are seeing these losses come at a greater pace. Both of my parents and a sibling have passed away within the last couple of years. I also have a disability that I deal with on a daily basis.

Several things have worked for me. One is meditation. Recent research has found that it does make the brain stronger and allows one to cope with life in a better way. Next is yoga. There are various forms available. Yoga helps with the body mind connection and it helps to calm the body down. I am currently doing the Ultimate Yogi series, but you can search youtube for shorter yoga programs and meditation programs.

For facial tension, I like the Yamuna Face Saver program. It's suppose to be an anti aging technique but what it really does is release the tension from the face. I like to do this a few times a week. Some times I can really feel some soreness and tension being released. You can also do a jade roller, but I like the Yamuna program because she guides you in what to do.Smile

Also for breath work I like Max Strom's dvd. You would be surprised how much tension we hold when we start to do deep breath work.

I hope these suggestions are helpful to you.

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Re: Need Opinions on Neck/Shoulder/Jaw/Scalp Tension

See a chiropractor, get massages, take long, hot baths with epsom salt, learn to let go of things that you should and relax about those things that you can't control. I work in corrections in management, so stress is very high in my neck of the woods as well. Find a hobby that will allow you to leave work and work and concentrate on something else other than work.

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Re: Need Opinions on Neck/Shoulder/Jaw/Scalp Tension

Google Postural Restoration and if you have a physical therapist in your area that is certified, it would be worth it to consult them. At 53 I went from being an active, healthy person to practically homebound due to back/hip/foot pain. I was on meds for over 2 years, went to various doctors, and tried different physical therapists with no improvement. Finally, I was referred to a PT certified in Postural Restoration. The difference it made for me was amazing. My symptoms manifested lower than yours, but as an example, when I have neck and shoulder pain, often my sacrum is twisted to one side due to tight muscles. I have an exercise I can do that will correct it and then my neck and shoulder pain is gone, right then. I'm not saying this is your answer, but it worked for me and is worth a look. I haven't taken any medication for pain, not even an advil, or sleep, etc. in almost 2 years. I wish you good health.

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Re: Need Opinions on Neck/Shoulder/Jaw/Scalp Tension

Thanks to both Tigris and Beautybee for responding. I will research these options and yes, my BFF said I need to find a hobby. I am going to make that a priority!

I appreciate your responses!

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Re: Need Opinions on Neck/Shoulder/Jaw/Scalp Tension

On 9/7/2014 sunsetbeach said:

Google Postural Restoration and if you have a physical therapist in your area that is certified, it would be worth it to consult them. At 53 I went from being an active, healthy person to practically homebound due to back/hip/foot pain. I was on meds for over 2 years, went to various doctors, and tried different physical therapists with no improvement. Finally, I was referred to a PT certified in Postural Restoration. The difference it made for me was amazing. My symptoms manifested lower than yours, but as an example, when I have neck and shoulder pain, often my sacrum is twisted to one side due to tight muscles. I have an exercise I can do that will correct it and then my neck and shoulder pain is gone, right then. I'm not saying this is your answer, but it worked for me and is worth a look. I haven't taken any medication for pain, not even an advil, or sleep, etc. in almost 2 years. I wish you good health.

Thank you! I had a shoulder issue that I did see a PT for and she gave me a long balloon like stretch thing to do behind my head and back. I need to get that out again. I also think I need to exercise daily instead of just once in awhile. A lot of my job is annoyances about things that involve people and their lack of manners, values and respect for others. It is a different world today, for sure!

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Re: Need Opinions on Neck/Shoulder/Jaw/Scalp Tension

I take a muscle relaxer called Flexeril and it helps tremendously as I too clench my teeth at night, wear a splint. Deep breathing helps also.

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Re: Need Opinions on Neck/Shoulder/Jaw/Scalp Tension

I take a muscle relaxer called Flexeril and it helps tremendously as I too clench my teeth at night, wear a splint. Deep breathing helps also. Acupuncture is good for relaxation and pain relief.

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Re: Need Opinions on Neck/Shoulder/Jaw/Scalp Tension

Daily vigorous exercise, yoga once or more a week, regular massage, and regular acupuncture have amazing benefits for overall mental and physical health. A former jaw clencher myself, these four things changed my life in terms of reducing stress by leaps and bounds. Also, the mention by another poster about developing a hobby is great advice and something I do as well to completely decompress from work and life stress.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Need Opinions on Neck/Shoulder/Jaw/Scalp Tension

a chiropractor was able to help me get through this when I had a very stressful job and computer work for 12 hrs plus. I started at 3 times a week, and then down to 2 and eventually one time per week and now just maintenance, it was amazing and really helped me. Insurance didn't cover it, but I was in so much pain, so it was worth the out of pocket money.

I also have a orthopedic pillow which I still use when I feel my shoulders and neck need it.

Hope that helps and hope you get to feeling better.