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Re: Make Up Free Movement.....

I have not heard of this movement. I would be able to appreciate if it is based on some type of message or protest; but if it's just a bunch of people who decided not to wear makeup, well, hey, more for me. :-)


And if it is based on a message or protest, I think there are better ways to effect change, at least I certainly hope so and soon.

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Re: Make Up Free Movement.....

[ Edited ]

I'm not really seeing it as a movement. It's Alicia Keys. Other stars might post an occasional selfie without makeup and Mila Kunis once did Glamour magazine without makeup. That's not really a movement to me. 

I already go without makeup more often than I wear it, (today is the third day I've worn makeup this year), so it's not a big deal to me either way. It's makeup, so do whatever makes you feel good. I'd rather spend more time in bed or eating breakfast most days, but other days I think makeup is fun and like using it. 

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Re: Make Up Free Movement.....

I don't care what anybody else does.


So NO.

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Re: Make Up Free Movement.....

NO!  NO!  And NO!

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Re: Make Up Free Movement.....

I don't think this is a good idea. If people see me without makeupWoman Embarassed there might be a movement towards wearing makeup...LOL!Woman LOL

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Re: Make Up Free Movement.....

@ChynnaBlue wrote:

I'm not really seeing it as a movement. It's Alicia Keys. Other stars might post an occasional selfie without makeup and Mila Kunis once did Glamour magazine without makeup. That's not really a movement to me. 

I already go without makeup more often than I wear it, (today is the third day I've worn makeup this year), so it's not a big deal to me either way. It's makeup, so do whatever makes you feel good. I'd rather spend more time in bed or eating breakfast most days, but other days I think makeup is fun and like using it. 

@ChynnaBlue, since Alicia Keyes has done it, many more have joined her.  I am only referring to as a "movement" because the way it has been described.  Since I'm not part of it, I can only go by that.

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Re: Make Up Free Movement.....

No - I would be giving up one of the things I REALLY enjoy doing! Smiley Happy

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Re: Make Up Free Movement.....

[ Edited ]

I don't know about this particular "movement", but I am wearing less eye makeup these days.  I gave up real eyeliner awhile ago and would just use a darker color eyeshadow and angled lining brush.  A couple of months ago, DH and I went someplace and I did a quick makeup job (did the face & lips as usual but just a swipe of highlighter or lighter shadow on my lid and a couple coats of mascara) and DH complimented me on how pretty I looked.  Since then it's become my daily look and I really only do more on the eyes if we're going someplace special or out at night.  I have given up wearing everything except mascara when I go to the health club.  It took some getting used to.

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Re: Make Up Free Movement.....

is simply wearing lipstick and a concealer considered wearing make up? if yes, then i can't give it up. if no, then i'm all in! lol!

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Re: Make Up Free Movement.....

I don't to scare anyone, so no.  Concealer at the very least.