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@teganslaw wrote:

I soak the brushes and sponges in dish soap and water for about a half hour. Rinse and air dry on a towel. I wash them once a week, although I occasionally do every two weeks, depending on how often I use them. 


You soak only the brush part, right?  I assume you don't soak the whole thing, handle and all.  I'm thinking of trying the soak to see if my foundation brushes come out clean.

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@SilleeMee @That drying brush tip is the best tip!

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This week I cleaned the Kabuki brush I use with LG Balance & Glow.  It took a few minutes with a paper cup and Drops of Dawn each time the solution got a lot of color from the brush.


The water level each time in the paper cup covers only the lower part of the brush. When the soap solution comes clean, final rinse and air dry resting on another paper cup.


The brush becomes soft and ready for use in about a day.

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I use a Vanish bar of soap.  I keep one just for my make up brushes and it takes out all make-up then I thoroughly rinse them in gently warm water (and the soap then pat it dry). I lay my brushes on paper towels to dry overnight.  I've tried other methods over the years but this soap cleans them thoroughly and still keeps my brushes pristine.


Btw Vanish soap is something I used when I lived in England, it's also great for removing stains on clothes.  Not sure if it's widely used here.  I buy on Amazon.

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@RollTide2008 wrote:
To be honest, I rarely clean my brushes. Nothing bad has happened yet.

@RollTide2008  Me, either! The only one I clean with regularity is my eyeliner brush, because I use a gel liner. All my other makeup is powder-type stuff, so the brushes don't get gummed up with cream, etc. Never had an infection of any kind, my face doesn't break out, or get blackheads/whiteheads/milia. 

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@SurferWife  I soak the whole brushes, didn't think it would hurt the handles. So far it has worked out. I might start just soaking the brushes, not the handles. It probably doesn't matter which way I do it since they still get clean. 

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As usual, you beauties are a wealth of knowledge!!!  I've learned a lot from your ideas and will take your advice.  

Posts: 55
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Wow.........I love that silicone pad!!   Will look for one this weekend.  I can't tell you how appreciative I am for all of your responses.  

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Unfortunately, when I've cleaned my brushes, they eventually fall apart because the warm water breaks down the glue that holds the bristles in.

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@Janey2 ---Me too--an awesome product. !!! Have the liquid now but did have the solid!!! It does very nicely on that beauty blender foan egg shaped thing as well as brushes!!!