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Registered: ‎07-25-2013

Agreed!  The QVC pricing during their shows is great.  Got nothing new as I have the Tsv, acid peel, night cream, omega oil, and the eye cream all on AD and all for a discounted price.  Was kinda hoping they would have had one of their newer items special priced, but maybe next time.

So much more I want to try!!!!!

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Registered: ‎09-09-2014

I completely agree with waiting for the sale prices with Lancer. It's much easier to purchase the additional items with approx $20-30 off. Smiley Happy

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Lancer recently had a great sale on their site and I was able to pick up some items.  Another thing I really love is their eye concelaer.

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Registered: ‎03-28-2019

 @Coopsmommy I have the most hyper reactive skin of almost anyone and even I can tolerate this peel mask. Wow, what a difference.

I use 1x a week for about 15 min. or so.

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I may have to try this brand.  Dr. Lancer seems to keep it quite simple. By that there doesn't seem to be dozens of products with the claim that you need this over that, and that on top of those layers, until you reach a point where you're layering on 5 or 6 things.  It's really just the Method with a few additional treatments one can use.  I think I want to start with the Omega Oil which I can begin to use while I'm finishing up some other things.  Eventually I will get to The Method.  

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Posts: 30,873
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

You can buy sample packs of The Method on ebay.