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Any users out there?  Feedback would be welcome!

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Posts: 555
Registered: ‎02-04-2011

@bargainsgirl wrote:

Any users out there?  Feedback would be welcome!

Look carefully at the reviews on places like the other shopping network.  The reviews are just plain terrible.  It works, but you have to continue to use it forever.  When you quit using it, your hair will go back to the way it is now.  The shampoo and conditoner will strip the color out of your colored hair and make it dry/brittle because it is a clarifying/stripping product.  It also doesn't work for everyone (read the fine print for those people who it will not work for).  For me, I tried it and have been with swollen hands and feet and sore joints for almost two months now.  I was first clued to this reaction as several reviewers mentoned that they had similar symptoms after using the product as directed for a few weeks.  I am so sorry I ever used it!  However, it did grow hair for me.

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Posts: 555
Registered: ‎02-04-2011

If you still decide that you want to buy it, please be warned that, for some odd reason, the other shopping network does not include a self-paid shipping label (you know the $6.95 label).  I know, it is odd, but we that had troubles and wanted our money back had to return the products at our own expense.  Some paid almost $15 in shipping and the products don't go to the regular returns place so it takes almost a month before I got my money back.  I am surprised that they still sell this product and I am soooo sorry that I ever used it!!  What was I thinking?

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Try Viviscal-no drugs,no mess, works.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I took Viviscal for 6 months, that was $200 totally wasted, did nothing!!

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Posts: 4,354
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Viviscal works great for me and no drugs; hair is nearly to my waistline (or whats left of it).


I'm sorry it didnt work for you.@Shelbelle.