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Josie Maran Users: Advice, please!

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Josie Maran Mega-Size Argan Reserve & Mega-Size Body Butter Set


Dear Josie Maran fans: Help!


I just ordered the TSV.

I have NEVER used Josie Maran before, but have always been a skin treatment user, including Perricone and Tatcha and Lancome.


Watching the presentations it seemed like an excellent product and the reviews for prior Argan Oil raved.


Really would appreciate some personal experiences with Argan Oil and the body butter. 



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Re: Josie Maran Users: Advice, please!

Use the body butter everywhere! I even use it on my face, instead of her face butter.  It helps with flaking of my eczema and my sons psoriasis. Helps with the redness and inflammation. Press the oil in gently on your face. I press it in and massage in my fine lines. You only need a few drops of oil or you will claim it to be too oily. I really love all the JM products. I have so many of her products and keep adding on. 

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Re: Josie Maran Users: Advice, please!

@1Professor    Josie's body butter is very nice as far as argan oil, it is a heavier oil and takes longer to absorb.  It's a very good oil but I would not spend $90 for body butter and oil but that is me.  I hope you enjoy your purchase.

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Re: Josie Maran Users: Advice, please!

I've posted this before, but Josie Maran stuff is extremely overhyped, and the ingredient list is never really disclosed unless you look on the web page. At almost $100., this is really over the top price wise. You can go on Amazon and find 100% pure, organic Argan oil by everyone from Dr. Mercola to European pharmacies, and the price is one tenth that of Josie's oil.

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Re: Josie Maran Users: Advice, please!

Buy it - Try it - you have until end of January to return for full $$ refund.  You will not be sorry.


I've used Dr. P's (primary the one product receiving 5 stars) and Josie's body butter on legs & arms and this oil since it's been available.


The oil is amazing although I also question every product.  I have no wrinkles - yet a other poster said....a few drop - press on facial skin to add moisture after windy days - cold days and feeling dry.

You can always get your money back - what an opportunity to look younger !!!


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Re: Josie Maran Users: Advice, please!

@1Professor - Congratulations and welcome to "Josie land"! 

I started using her products about two years ago. Until then I didn't use anything regularly, except sunscreen. 

On my face I use her milk, followed by argan oil - light. I do have her face butter, and I use it once in a while. I don't have her reserve right now, but it's supposed to be more effective than regular.


You will love the body butter! Putting it on is so relaxing and your skin will feel so smooth. I also use three other QVC brands of body treatment. They are all good, but Josie's is a favorite.


Enjoy your new products!   Smiley Happy

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Re: Josie Maran Users: Advice, please!

@beach-mom   Thanks SO much, I'm excited. Already primed not to use too much. 


[Surprised that several replied to my thread for "Josie Maran Users" telling me they don't use it and wouldn't. Sigh. People.]

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Re: Josie Maran Users: Advice, please!

@fthunt   You expressed exactly why I took the plunge—I'll have more than 2 months to use it and decide! Perfect time for beauty products . . .

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Re: Josie Maran Users: Advice, please!

@1Professor - I love love love Josie's body butter.  I don't use her argan oil on my face.  The times that I don't use her body butter, I will put a few drops of her argan oil mixed in with other body lotions/creams.  Hope you love it!

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Re: Josie Maran Users: Advice, please!



I also love Josie's products...I have used many of them for years, & by watching for her TSV's & specials it helps on the cost..

I love her original argan oil, & have never found any other argan oil I prefer more. 

My skin is very sensitive & Josie's line is wonderful for my face.

I hope you love your TSV...Smiley Happy