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Re: Josie Maran TSV thoughts?

@Tricolor  Enjoy your purchase.  The Hemp Oil is wonderful.  I use it many nights as the last step.  It makes your skin feel SOOO SOFT.  Last night I also took it down my neck and chest and elbows.    I was using that and the Infinity Cream (which is one of my favorites) while I was watching the show!!!

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Re: Josie Maran TSV thoughts?

@PhilaLady1 wrote:

@geezerette You are correct !   Sorry, that's what happens when I click speedbuy like a crazy-woman,   It's the peptide that is the new ingredient.  Thanks !

@PhilaLady1Which ingredient is she referring to as the peptide?


In any event, I'm passing on this.

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Re: Josie Maran TSV thoughts?

Can anyone explain what does HEMP do for the skin?  I notice so many products out that have it now just wondering.



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Re: Josie Maran TSV thoughts?

I am passing on this TSV.  Oil (any kind of oil) don't do well on my oily skin, even though Josie said it is for any skin types.


I jumped on the face oil bandwagon a few years ago and purchased all sorts of different facial oils.  Now I am trying to use them up by putting drops in my moisturizers and on my hair.

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Re: Josie Maran TSV thoughts?

@tsavorite wrote:

Can anyone explain what does HEMP do for the skin?  I notice so many products out that have it now just wondering.




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Re: Josie Maran TSV thoughts?

@momoftwo2007  if you prefer not to use on your face,  use on your neck, chest, arms, etc.  It's fabulous.   At my age,  my forearms are in pretty great shape... elbows too.  I put all sorts of oils on them (even when I'm in my office at work!!!).   Do that with yours.  Don't suffer by trying to just use on your face.

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Re: Josie Maran TSV thoughts?

@nyc1 wrote:

@Tricolor  Enjoy your purchase.  The Hemp Oil is wonderful.  I use it many nights as the last step.  It makes your skin feel SOOO SOFT.  Last night I also took it down my neck and chest and elbows.    I was using that and the Infinity Cream (which is one of my favorites) while I was watching the show!!!

@nyc1 , I am very excited to try this kit and glad to hear from you that how much you like it. I trust your reommendation. Sometimes if I have been out on a weekend night and come home and just too lazy to do all of my steps, I just use the Infinity Cream all over face, lips, eyes and neck. A little goes a very long way. Thank you for your reommendation.