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Expect at least 15 minutes of each show dedicated to dipping & greasing up. There has to be a more sanitary way to sell this product & how does that much grease not stain my clothing?



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I'm working from home today, and I usually have QVC on for background noise.  But when I saw what the TSV was today, I had to change the channel.  I just can't bear to see the umpteen presentations.  But that is what the remote is for. LOL

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Never watch...know what to expect. Plus, Not interested in her line.
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That presentation is awful,the models look terrible pretending to put the cream over their bodies.That stuff is not for me.Josie sure is into herself,watching the moniter,fake.

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@Shanus wrote:

Expect at least 15 minutes of each show dedicated to dipping & greasing up. There has to be a more sanitary way to sell this product & how does that much grease not stain my clothing?



Are you planning on putting it on for 15 minutes yourself? I use this product and have never had oil stain my clothes.

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And here we go again! All the JM basher's are out in force.  Can't just switch channel's? SAD!!!

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@ChynnaBlue  No, presentations are 15 min. each show. I don't use her products.


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@Love4cats. Oh, I do plan on using the remote if have the Q on in the background....just caught a few minutes of the 1st show & noting more of the same. Doesn't make me a hater...just an observer.


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Love Josie and her body butter.  I have a few so I am not in need of any but did buy the lip butter set in clear and nude.  Can't wait to get it.  She really is a cutie.


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Well, I love her products.  I love the scented body butters and enjoy using them all over, after my bath.  I also am a big fan of the Argan Oil.  I'm able to use it on my face to keep it soft during this winter dryness, and it doesn't break me out, but has helped the overall look of my skin.


The only reason I'm not ordering the TSV is because I'm already stocked with her products and am on another A/D from her.  I had to sit on my hands to keep from ordering this one in the peach.

Laura loves cats!