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I follow Isomers on fb and I've noticed that when someone asks questions about the products they are usually not answered. There have been a couple of questions this past week about griwth factors in the product and no answer.

I have used Isomers off and on for years so I've liked some of the products but it seems that some of these questions are ignored or I'm missing comments .

There isn't much happening on the site so I can't imagine that the questions are being missed.

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You may want to sign up for email instead. Special pricing and new products are announced.


You may email or call Isomers directly also. 


I have emailed questions and Isomers responded within 48 hours. 

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Posts: 939
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

It's just that I'm looking for trasparency in a company and it really bothers me when qurstions arent answered.. I do get emails and I have called the company. I thought the fb group was where questions could be asked and answered.

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Whst happens to me is that when I post something on their Facebook site, Lori Smith of Isomers answers me through Instant Messenger or email right away.

She has gone to extraordinary lengths to help me and ask their chemists, too. HTH

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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@Nadine I don't usually answer questions in there because I might not be 100% sure if I'm correct.  I think Lori answers when she can but my understanding is that it's more for fellow users to use and not really a company Q&,A board...if that makes sense.  it's pretty slow at times.  Anytime I want info I emailed them.  Detailed answers and very helpful!  Transparency.....what do you want from them that you can't get from a personalized email OR phone call if you go that route?  Probably one of the most honest companies I have dealt with.  Any company who talks me out of buying something I don't need, will get my money any day of the week!

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I use several Isomers products & really like them.

I did email them when I first starting using her products but I never received a reply.

When I tried calling with my cell phone it said I could not call that number or something like that.

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Posts: 939
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Isomers and questions

[ Edited ]

When questions are asked on their fb page and answered there it's very helpful to others. When I started with them many years ago they had way less products and everytime somethig new comes out it sounds like it's a must have. I can't even begin to count how many bottles of Isomers I have. My fault I know.

Manuella did comment on the fb page the other day so I;m thinking it would be awesome if questions would be answered for others to see.

I don't mean to be negative about the company,I thibk they are an outstanding, honest company. When the original forum was in place a few years ago things were explained when people had a question.

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Isomers always responds when I email them directly. I don’t do FB.

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@Nightowlz wrote:

I use several Isomers products & really like them.

I did email them when I first starting using her products but I never received a reply.

When I tried calling with my cell phone it said I could not call that number or something like that.

Isomers is in Toronto, Canada.  Is it possible you don't have international calling on your cell phone plan?