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Insulation against tingling lip products?

I just opened my Sephora lip kit, five new lip products. I am a sucker for these kits.  One of them is a Tarte wine gloss that stings like crazy.  Love the color so I'm wondering if there is any product you have discovered that can be applied first to insulate the lips?

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Re: Insulation against tingling lip products?

@depglass  You might try some lip balm first but the ones I have (Tarte) the sting doesn't last long. I would be careful in case you have an allergy to the product.

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Re: Insulation against tingling lip products?

Oh dear. If you have to buy a second product to protect you from the first product, the first product is just not for you.  

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Rochester, New York
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Re: Insulation against tingling lip products?

Sounds like an allergic reaction.

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Re: Insulation against tingling lip products?

Sometimes there is an ingredient meant to plump the lips which tingle.  Often it is essential oils meant to make the blood rush to the lips thus causing a plumping effect, but also resulting in a tingling or burning sensation.  I think Lip Venom was one of those products.  The tingle doesn't bother me.  I actually like the medicated or cooling lip balms.

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Re: Insulation against tingling lip products?

[ Edited ]

@depglass    Gosh, that is a new request.  I have had a lipstick balm with a peppermint taste but it only last seconds.  I don't know of any product you are looking for but maybe someone else can help you out.

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Re: Insulation against tingling lip products?

@depglass  If any lip product produces uncomfortable tingling or stinging of your lips, wash it off immediately and stop using it.  Three years ago, I tried a lip plumping lipstick.  The first time I used it, I put it on right before I left the house for an evening out.  Within 30 minutes, my lips were stinging and burning.  I wiped the lipstick off with a napkin, but the stinging continued. I had a chap-stick in my purse and put some on, the stinging stopped momentarily before starting again. 

When I got home, I immediately began to take my makeup off and cleanse my face.  I noticed my lips were bright red. The next morning, my lips were swollen, cracked and peeling.  I went to the pharmacy and asked the pharmacist what I could use to relieve the awful symptoms.  He asked me what happened and I told him I thought it must have been the lip plumping lipstick. He told me I was having an allergic reaction to the peppermint oil which was an ingredient in the particular brand of lipstick I used and advised me to see my doctor as soon as possible.

Long story short, the pharmacist was correct.  Peppermint oil and any other ingredient that irritates the lips enough to make them appear "plumper" can cause terrible allergic reactions in some people.  

It took 3 months of vigilant care with an Rx lip product before the redness and peeling went away. To this day, I can no longer wear lipstick of any kind, natural, organic or otherwise.  My reaction was so severe, I developed a chronic hypersensitivity in my lips.  I used an Rx lip cream to moisturize my lips and nothing else.

I found out if I had removed the lipstick with water and cleanser when the burning began, I might have saved the permanent, chronic condition I have now.  Water alone won't remove the ingredient once it has penetrated the top layer of skin.  

I don't know why these lip products don't care a warning label to alert consumers to the possibility of an allergic reaction and what to do if a reaction occurs.  My dermatologist told me he has several patients who had a reaction as severe as mine and now live with the same chronic lip sensitivity.


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Re: Insulation against tingling lip products?

@depglass  I just have to avoid them. To me they are painful. I remember when Moxie came out I learned my lesson.