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I will get a blemish here and there once in awhile. They bug me and then I bug them and then I have a mess. I am into Korean products and I love to view the different things they have available. I came across a blemish patch by Lioele, Missha or Etude House. It's a small clear circle that you apply to the blemish at night and in the morning the bump is down or gone. In the past I used Dri Lo from SSC which a pink powder and blemish medicine. The blemish patch is made of the same stuff but in a patch. Last night I applied one to a blemish on my chin and this morning (sorry it's gross) the patch had a blob of oil on it and the blemish is flat. I've been using them for about a month now to see how well they work before I opened my mouth about them. They are great!!!! You can find them at lioeletexasdotcom, misshadotcom and on ebay. My favorite is the Etude House found on ebay. They are also fairly cheap. Dri Lo would cost me 24.00 plus shipping and these range 4.00 on up depending on the number of sheets you get. My son is also using them and he likes them as well.

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Re: Info regarding blemishes

Thanks for the recommendation. I don't get many zits anymore, but now and then one can pop up out of nowhere. I've had pretty good luck with wearing a dot of mask overnight or a little 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. My latest find is the mineral blemish powder from E.L.F.

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Registered: ‎02-05-2014

Re: Info regarding blemishes

On 7/13/2014 JeanLouiseFinch said:

Thanks for the recommendation. I don't get many zits anymore, but now and then one can pop up out of nowhere. I've had pretty good luck with wearing a dot of mask overnight or a little 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. My latest find is the mineral blemish powder from E.L.F.

I'll have to look for the mineral blemish powder for day time use. Thank you. I hate spending 18.00 for the tiny one from BE. I don't get many zits but when I do they annoy me so much. I rarely had any zits until around age 45. The magic age when you need readers to read and things on your body start to migrate south, lol.

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Re: Info regarding blemishes

Thanks for the good ideas! I had forgotten to mention, that my "stand-by routine" of using 2.5% bp overnight is used in addition to dabbing the areas with ELF mineral blemish powder for "at work" during the day, when I can't have a huge dried area of bp all day on the spots.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Info regarding blemishes

Good to know! Have you ever tried Mario Badescu (?) pink drying lotion?

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Re: Info regarding blemishes

On 7/13/2014 KateChopin said:

Good to know! Have you ever tried Mario Badescu (?) pink drying lotion?

Yes, I have tried it. I usually order Dri Lo from SSC but the price keeps going up so I tried Mario Badescu's. It is very similar to Dry Lo. My Dri Lo has dried up so I was looking for another alternative and that is how I found the patches.

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Registered: ‎02-15-2013

Re: Info regarding blemishes

I saw a little blue light thing at Rite Aid today that is supposed to eliminate a blemish in one day. Its supposed to kill the bacteria causing the zit. I didn't buy it though so I can't say it works.

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Registered: ‎02-05-2014

Re: Info regarding blemishes

On 7/14/2014 sun8shine said:

I saw a little blue light thing at Rite Aid today that is supposed to eliminate a blemish in one day. Its supposed to kill the bacteria causing the zit. I didn't buy it though so I can't say it works.

Thank you. I think if I had a problem non-stop I would definitely look into something more. I just get one here and there. Matter of fact I am on a mission to get rid of the one under my lip that keeps coming and going. My thought is that the oil is deep and it heals on top but soon after it is back so I am using the Korean patches every night for a couple of days. When I removed the patch this morning there was a circle of oil so that is a good thing.