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Re: I had a haircut appt. yesterday and no one called

@Katcat1  - I hope all the beauty salon owner's can make it financially until the crisis is over.  Just think how busy they'll be when it's over! 

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Re: I had a haircut appt. yesterday and no one called

[ Edited ]

As many have noted, they can't reschedule because they don't know when they're going to be allowed to reopen. Plus, it's not simply a matter of opening the salon (or restaurant, or store) door for business. Establishments were closed abruptly and, I'm sure, cleaning, checking inventory (and in the case of salons, expired inventory),stocking, etc. have to be done.



You said your hair is longer. Have you tried an updo? Luckily for me, that's the only way I wear my hair in the summer, so I have my hair cut only twice a year, anyway--and I can cut my own. By summer, it's long enough to pull up and off my neck

Now's the time to experiment!

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Re: I had a haircut appt. yesterday and no one called

@Moonlady  I wear my hair in short layers so 12 weeks or more of growth makes it longer but not long enough for an updo.  At this stage in the game, I cannot be bothered with long hair.  I am a wash and go type of gal.  lol

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Re: I had a haircut appt. yesterday and no one called




Whoops. Sorry.  I see your predicament. And I'm with you on the "wash and go" business. I've simplified my own hair routine, hence the variety of summer updos. I could never deal with styling long hair again. I don't even use a blow dryer anymore lol.


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Re: I had a haircut appt. yesterday and no one called

I just had a call today from my stylist, who is the owner. My appt was for Thursday. She scheduled me for a  month out but said she would call if she had to schedule out further given continued restriction. God Forbid, I just get it cut and styled but it's already getting pretty shaggy. I can cut my bangs but if it gets much worse will have to resort to hats. Or who knows, maybe a wig.

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Re: I had a haircut appt. yesterday and no one called

I'm hoping that I can watch enough YouTubes that show me how to cut my own hair so that I don't completely mess up if I decide to give it a try.(I had a haircut the weekend before our state's lock down.)  I used to cut my mother's hair during the last few years of her life, and I used to cut my child's hair on occasion. I have no talent. The biggest challenges for me would be the back and then tying to keep the sides angling down evenly on both sides. I'll watch a lot before I decide whether I should dare try it myself. If I do try, I'll post how it went.

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Re: I had a haircut appt. yesterday and no one called

I just watched a youtube video of a gal cutting her hair with a bread knife.  OMG  Woman LOL  

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Re: I had a haircut appt. yesterday and no one called

Some stylists are still working out of their homes.💇🏼‍♀️