Posts: 46
Registered: ‎07-27-2020
I'm so tired of hearing some if the host talking about a product, saying that it's there favorite thing, they use it all the time. Then you will see them later talking about the same type of product but a different brand saying the same thing. I have bought products in the past based on the word of host. It just bothers me. Just needed to rant! Sorry!
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Registered: ‎07-27-2020
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@MamawskidsMamawskids wrote:
I'm so tired of hearing some if the host talking about a product, saying that it's there favorite thing, they use it all the time. Then you will see them later talking about the same type of product but a different brand saying the same thing. I have bought products in the past based on the word of host. It just bothers me. Just needed to rant! Sorry!

Your choice.  Listen or let it go in one ear and out the other.  Why rant?

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I agree with your sentiment.  I noticed this selling tactic years ago with the host Jill Bauer. (No longer with QVC-moved on to other ventures.)  She would do it with beauty items and other merchandise, like handbags.  To me it is rather insulting.  I know, I know, it's a selling tactic and they are sales people.  It makes me feel like they believe the customers just don't listen very well or are rather dumb!   

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@MamawskidsMamawskids    No need to be sorry.  The hosts are there to sell and they will say just about anything.  It is best to read reviews and read about the product.  I would not trust what the host has to say.

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What's worse is a vendor selling a lip balm but saying they have a drawer full of lip balms that don't work.  Yet they add they never use anything but there own products.

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@MamawskidsMamawskids Don't know why all your posts have a blank post too.  Just curious.  

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They are INFLUENCERS.  Easy solution if it bothers you Smiley Wink  

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@MamawskidsMamawskids - I do believe some hosts really do use/wear some of the items they sell. I think I can tell with some of them. But for the most part they are trying to convince us they use/wear a specific line so the item(s) will sell and they will get more air time.



 I'm also onto them when they hint to producers they want to buy an item at the end of their show- just to make us want it more. If they REALLY want something, I'm sure they can arrange for a friend or coworker to order it for them during the show without making a big deal about ordering it. 



They probably get what they like, like all of us!  Smiley Happy

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The car salesman told me I didn't look a day over 30...

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