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I am 62 with some lines and crow feet, but, not pronounced. I have had always had oily skin and acne. This past week I have gotten pimples on my right year. They hurt more than anything. I have about 5 now. I use Avon clean and nothing great. I am about finish with these products and would appreciate suggestions for a skin program. I still have oily  skin and usually very few, if any, breakouts. Thanks for your help!'


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stFirst, are you sure they are pimples? Reason I ask is I get bites and they will look like little, but growing pimple bites. I use straight old alcohol on them.

I use purity made simple to clean my face, neck and decollete. I use Dr. Dennis Gross products: eye serum and the eye moisturizer , the pads every other day. I use the serum for my face and the moisturizers for my face dand neck.  I hope this helps. Dr. Gross has a sample buy kit you could try. Good luck!

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Re: Help with skin care!

[ Edited ]

My suggestion is keep skincare simple.  Marula oil is excellent for acne prone skin.  Google it and read about this wonderful oil.  I buy mine from acure organics which is under $20.  Leaves my skin balanced all the time.  Marula oil is excellent for acne prone skin.    I buy mine from acure organics which is under $20. If you really have pimples on your ear, exfoliate the area  then apply a product that dries them up.  I use a cover stick by Neutrogena but Burts Bees offers many excellent products too.  You may also want to cleanse with an anti-acne facial wash.  Check out Burts Bees or Neutrogena for the acne facial wash which help in controling oil too.

Cat HappyCat Happy

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If you are not on a budget I would suggest a line of products called Isomers that is so on the Evine shopping chanel. Isomers has specific product for ageing oily skin and some of it is in kit form which is usually cheaper and you get what you need or most of it. I'm 65 and have been using Isomers skin care for years off and on and it's really the best because it's science based.

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Hi.  I'm 66 with very oily skin (still!) and also get a occasional pimple or whitehead.  Ugh.  But we oily gals don't get many wrinkles.  Oily skin is a good thing.


What works for me is a Vitamin C (cream or serum) in the morning and a Retinol at night plus gentle oil-free cleansers.  I always used 'drugstore' products -- I went to a dermatologist over the summer and she told me to avoid the high-end skin care because it isn't any better than ROC Retinol products you can buy at Walgreens.  So you don't have to spend a lot of money on high-end products. 


Wearing a separate sunscreen makes my complexion super greasy.  I wear makeup primers and oil-free foundations that contain sunscreen.  Plus, I use a sunscreen face powder that can be re-applied several times a day.  Most lotion/cream sunscreens say to re-apply every 2 hours -- really?  who's going to wash their face and apply sunscreen and makeup every 2 hours?  Not me.  (Colorescience broad spectrum 30spf powder - it's kind of pricey, but a tube lasts me a year or more)


Good luck!



* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
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That sounds like a reaction to an ingredient.  Regardless of how long you've used something you can develop a sensitivity.  If it were me I would cut off everything except a mild cleanser like CeraVe (I really dislike Cetaphil) and then introduce one product at a time.  For oily, acneic skin my next addition would be BHA.  Paula's Choice has an awesome 2% BHA available in various forms.  I like the liquid. 


If that sounds too drastic for the situation I'd look at the rest of Paula's line.  But, I would not add a lot of different products from different lines for awhile.


Of course, it might be best to see a derm before anything else.  

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I'd suggest what Bella Caro said first and then if you do need a good line that treats acne skin, try Serious Skin Care Continuously Clear Skin treatment line.  Right now at HSN they have the main three products you need in a kit for $30 and its #221-203.  My niece uses these three products and the Dry-Lo on occasion and she loves it.  Its made for adults too and they also have a teen kit but the adult one is what I'm giving you the # for.

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Acne is most common among teenagers, with a reported prevalence of 70 to 87 percent. Acne can affect people of all races and all ages.


How your acne is treated may depend on how severe and persistent it is. For any skin type there is Zeroblem acne serum, a dermatologist-developed spot treatment that promotes a clearer complexion, eases redness & provides professional level results without pain or overly harsh ingredients that can cause irritation or dryness.


Acne may be treated with a combination of remedies including over-the-counter skin care, acne medications, and chemical or laser procedures. Learn safe ways to banish blackheads, whiteheads, and cystic acne, and get the clear skin you want.

I provided you one, you may go with.

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Registered: ‎10-07-2012
Paula's Choice!!! You can call their customer service and they are great about taking about your skin and skincare needs. And they'll probably send you some samples.
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i would call a dermatologist and start from there.