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Has anyone else decided to never get Botox again?

For the ladies who have tried Botox for wrinkles, has anyone made the decision not to get it again?  I have tried Botox three times over the past five years.  I always sought out Board Certified Plastic Surgeons who had great reviews.  Each time, I was unhappy with the results.  While it definitely got rid of every line on my forehead and reduced my crows feet, it caused my eyelids to look saggy and creepy and actually changed the shape of my eyes.  It also gave my face a puffy appearance that I hated.  I had considered trying it once more, but after careful thought, I decided that I am one of those people who will probably never get satisfactory results.  I've amped up my skincare regimen and will just grow older gracefully.  Has anyone else had bad results from Botox?

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Re: Has anyone else decided to never get Botox again?

@Trudey wrote:

For the ladies who have tried Botox for wrinkles, has anyone made the decision not to get it again?  I have tried Botox three times over the past five years.  I always sought out Board Certified Plastic Surgeons who had great reviews.  Each time, I was unhappy with the results.  While it definitely got rid of every line on my forehead and reduced my crows feet, it caused my eyelids to look saggy and creepy and actually changed the shape of my eyes.  It also gave my face a puffy appearance that I hated.  I had considered trying it once more, but after careful thought, I decided that I am one of those people who will probably never get satisfactory results.  I've amped up my skincare regimen and will just grow older gracefully.  Has anyone else had bad results from Botox?


I haven't gotten Botox because my sister did and had the same results as you described.  I like growing old gracefully. 



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Re: Has anyone else decided to never get Botox again?

The other night watched Barbra Streisand on Netflix noticed puffy cheeks thought her face looks different in a odd way. Everyone has the right to do whatever they want to. Personally never having botox not able to answer your question. What i can say long ago decided I'm comfortable with the aging process. Figured if twerk my face what about the rest of my body parts? Plus! Let my grey hair grow in. 

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Re: Has anyone else decided to never get Botox again?

Years ago I went for a consultation to have my eyes done. I changed my mind and never had it done and never will. Too scary.

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Re: Has anyone else decided to never get Botox again?

I love the results I get from Botox and have it done about every 7-8 months-no down side for me!


I also exercise 4-5 hours a week and I'm careful about nutrition and supplements.


Life is good.

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Re: Has anyone else decided to never get Botox again?

I have never tried it.  My mantra in growing older is to be as healthy as I can be.  That means not bombarding my body with chemicals.  Botox is poison and not needed to keep me healthy or alive, nor will it help me live longer.


i also think many people look funny after receiving Botox.  I don’t think it is a wonder drug at all.


But, if others feel differently, that’s their right.



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Re: Has anyone else decided to never get Botox again?

I used to get Botox and was very happy with the results.  Now I don't get it because I have too many other expenses that go to the top of the list.


My dermatologist has never been a fan of fillers and ITA.  I had Juvaderm one time and hated the way the injections made me looked puffed up in an unnatural way. 


Botox yes, fillers.....not for me!  

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Re: Has anyone else decided to never get Botox again?

 For those who can get Botox and achieve the desired result...I'm happy for you.  I am all for doing what you need to do to look better and feel better.  Instead of giving me a rested, more youthful appearance, it actually makes my brow look heavy which makes me look tired and odd.  My expressive eyes are my best feature and when my expressions are limited, I no longer look like myself.  At almost 55, I only have some fine lines (no deep wrinkles).  My aging shows the most under my eyes and only surgery will improve that...and I'm not willing to have surgery for anything that isn't a medical necessity. 

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Re: Has anyone else decided to never get Botox again?

I never tried Botox and never will. I am a RN and you can die from that stuff. I am 59 now and have used sunscreen since I was in my mid 30's. I don't have any lines around my eyes, forehead or mouth. Even though I think I see a line near my mouth my friend says she can't see it. I have no interest in botox. 

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Re: Has anyone else decided to never get Botox again?

I just had my 4 month renewal today!  It just makes me look more rested, not frozen.  I've done it for ten years now.  I'm very happy with my results.