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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Foundation Experts can you help me out?


I took it with me on a short weekend trip I’m on. It looks light in color before it dries down to match me. It looks slightly dewy before the dry down. And it hasn’t oxidized to the dreaded orange color some foundations seem to do. 


I wasn’t color matched with their machine but brought over 2 possibles to the MU booth so we could decide which was the best shade.


Sephora under your account has a My Color IQ which shows possible matches of foundations in other brands. I also think that since I bought a Tient Idole there, it automatically started to show the other ‘matches’.





☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,008
Registered: ‎09-12-2013

Re: Foundation Experts can you help me out?



I took it with me on a short weekend trip I’m on. It looks light in color before it dries down to match me. It looks slightly dewy before the dry down. And it hasn’t oxidized to the dreaded orange color some foundations seem to do. 


I wasn’t color matched with their machine but brought over 2 possibles to the MU booth so we could decide which was the best shade.


Sephora under your account has a My Color IQ which shows possible matches of foundations in other brands. I also think that since I bought a Tient Idole there, it automatically started to show the other ‘matches’.





Okay. Thank you! 😊