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Seeing lots of models and some hosts with perfect waxy looking eyebrows. 1. Do they cut or shave away their eyebrows to get the look. 2. Also there is a shiny look on faces. Very artificial looking but they look young and flawless. As I have posted before the only time FLAWLESS bothers me is when they have had cosmetic surgery and try to sell wrinkle remover.
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Its my opinion that the models are professionals and they know all the tricks of the trade and most likely have all the correct tools & products that they need.


As far as looking shiny dont forget they are under bright lights and filters on the camera's.

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I would think many of them have microblading done to their brows. Just a guess as it  gives the look of a perfect brow without all the fuss.  I had microblading done and it was the best money I've ever spent on myself.  As far as the shiny thing, yes it could be the lights and it also could be their moisturizer showing through.

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I think a lot of the "glow" look is from the use of highlighter. If people are shaving their eyebrows these days, I have not heard of that being done. I'd be afraid they wouldn't grow back.
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The models  I have seen when they do a before and after picture show many of them with very thin, sparce eyebrows.  So I dont think they did microblading.


A friend of mine did the microblading and she said it was painful and you have to renew it every so often.  If it was me I would have my brows tatoo'd before microblading.

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There's a trend now called "glass skin". It is as you described, flawless, young and shiny.

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Brow products have come a long ways. I think they've gotten better and have become easier to apply to get a good look and a realistic one. 


Shiny faces are just what's been going on for a while. Gone are the days of that powdery, cakey looking made-up face.

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Microblading is a form of tattooing.  It just doesn't go down into the skin quite as deep.  Mine was very successful and I only need to refresh them once a year to a year and a half.  As far as the discomfort, I guess it depends on your threshold.  I was fine with it.  If I were a model I would do it for sure, they are so busy and have to do so many quick would save them a lot of time and aggravation, JMO though as obviously my modeling days are over, LOL!

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I don't watch that much so haven't noticed, but as one who loves glowy skin, I don't care for too much shine.  I can usually tell when it's due to too much highlighter though.  Usually, it can be really obvious when done on the upper part of the cheeks.  Even the "Pros" like the ones that make beauty product recommendations of TV shows overdo the hightlighter.  Maybe the studio lighting is the culprit since they can't apply their makeup under it much like our makeup can look different when we go outside.  


I don't know how to solve that problem since we can be in so many different lighting situations throughout the day and we can't mimic all of them at home.  Funny, even the selfies I take in my bathroom lighting are different than what I see in the mirror under that same lighting.  Mostly what I've noticed is my hair appear redder in my pics, so I hope that's what other's see.  I hated when they took away incandescent lighting since I liked the color of my hair much better under that.  But, I'm rambling now. 


I don't know about the eyebrows.  Maybe they're stenciling them.  I don't like the look of that.  If I thought I would get a natural looking brow by microblading or tattooing, I might consider it.  But, I wouldn't want to be stuck with something that would look weird either when I wasn't wearing makeup (which is 95% of the time) or as I got older and more than likely lost what I have left of my brows. 

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Do yourself a favor and don't compare what TV models do to real everyday life. I'm willing to bet the first thing these ladies do when they get home is wash off all that heavy makeup.  Ask here and watch YouTube beauty channels for more realistic makeup applications. I hope you find what you're looking for. Many of those eyebrow looks that you're seeing on QVC are most likely laminated.