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Do you find that you explore numerous hairstyles or a nester that has had the same one for years?  I have never colored my hair, but do tend to wear it around my shoulders or above most always.  I do not blow dry my hair so I am hesitant to try something that would require "work" how about you?

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I'm an explorer. Since I was young I have played with coloring my hair. I do take my time about changing it but eventually I give in and do it. My hair grows fast so why not. I recently went from long with long layers to a little shorter more layers with bangs. My hair is now partially grey been growing it out for many years and it's curly. Since I took the plunge with curly bangs I'm loving it. 

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If I had enough hair to explore different styles then I would. Woman LOL But since there's only so much I can do with so little amount of hair, I'm pretty much stuck with only a few different things I can do with it.

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@Boomernichols   If you don't want  to fuss with your hair have it cut short in layers. Even a little below the ear is a nice length.  My hair is longer layers on top/bangs so it does not appear that short.  It is so easy to care for.  Blow dry or air dry.  It also depends on the thickness of someone's hair.  My is normal but has thinned out with age. I personally, could never have it long.  Too much work for me.

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I've worn a chignon...for 50 years...

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Explorer. Through college my hair was long and I loved various braids, wearing hair down or up. Natural color was fun -- a touch of auburn in my medium brown hair. With career, I cut inches off and wore the Farah Faucette layers. Then I got into the curly permanent. Loved the soft curls and massive volume. Probably my favorite style. Highlights when gray showed up and I go up and down with length and layers now. I enjoy fussing with my hair.        

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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@Desertdi wrote:

I've worn a chignon...for 50 years...

I had a teacher who did that, at least as long as I had her for my teacher. That's cool!

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I guess I'm a nester. I haven't had great success when I have tried something different. 

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Well, I definitely am not an explorer.  I have had very few hairstyles over the years.  I am not good at styling my hair at all.  All my life  I had very, very thick slightly wavy hair which tended to frizz.  It was so difficult to get under control.  I was always told that my hair was my best feature.  However, now that I'm older, it has thinned out a lot.  I have stopped coloring it and since the pandemic, I have not had it cut at all.  I am at a quandry as to what to do with it.  I tried layers once and it was a disaster!  The bits stuck out every which way and I could not get them to lay down. So, now I am layer phobic! My hair is nearly down to my waist right now and all one length with the exception of my bangs which have grown out and are now below my chin!  I am thinking of some type of shoulder length bob but don't know?  I don't do well with change of any kind!!!! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Explorer...if you look at my pictures through the years I have had every hairstyle except very long.  I have had mostly the same color but I used to frost it.  I used to perm it to.  Now I don't do a lot different but I still grow it a little longer and cut it shorter....more layers less layers....