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I use Ebates and ShopAtHome depending on which one has the better deal.  I figured 2 was enough for me.

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Everyone has their own way of shopping.  For me, I just stick with Ebates.  I know sometimes other sites have better offers, but I've never bothered signing up with anyone else.

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I will tell you my opinion on Ebates.  I moved and took me a while to realize that I hadn't received a check in a long time.....well, I hadn't changed my address with Ebates!  I was so upset at my error and was thinking the people at my old address had been cashing my checks.  Well, I contacted Ebates and they sent me over $100!  I don't know the amount that I was owed but I'm guessing that the people at my old address were sending the checks back!  Score!!!  So Ebates is a winner in my book!Smiley Very Happy

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I've used both but at some point I abandoned Ebates in favor of MR, can't remember why but there was a reason, sorry can't remember.


I've been very happy with MR

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Re: Ebates or Mr Rebates?

[ Edited ]

i use Ebates and the Coupon Cabin Sidekick extension which is available for Firefox and Chrome.  I find Coupon Cabin to have higher percentages back usually and payout is just as easy as the others.  I can't speak to receiving checks as I opt for the Paypal payment.

~~Keep calm and hug your pets~~
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I have used Ebates and Mr. Rebates for a few years now and very pleased.  Wish I had known about these sites years ago when I really shopped a lot.  I look at and use whichever one has the highest percentage offered.  Macy's (where I do most of my shopping now) is often 10%.  I recently joined BeFrugal as it offers a few stores that are not offered on the other sites.   I have received several hundred dollars back over the years from Ebates and Mr. Rebates.

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@klhskygirl - have you considered direct deposit so you don’t have to keep up with checks?
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I find by the time you pay shipping ordering online or pay for Amazon Prime your not ahead.

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 I used Mrrebates for years,but lately they don't give me any rebates for some reason.Now I use Befrugal,Topcash and Ebates.

I have to check all my purchases with all of them.Every few weeks I have to file claims for the missing orders.

I suspect they do it on purpose,thinking we don't bother to file claims.

Does this happen to other posters?

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Registered: ‎03-19-2010

I use Ebates.  I found out about these sites HERE (Thank you ladies), several years ago, and picked Ebates.  One is enough for me, and I'm happy getting the check quarterly.  When it's a decent check,  I'm happy to have saved the money,  and when it's a small check,  I'm happy that I didn't spend as much that quarter!!!!!!  SMILING EITHER WAY!