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Re: Early morning routine help

@SandGirl , I just thought of something I used to do when I had long hair and worked in Manhattan with a long commute. I had long hair that I washed at night, put up on top of my head with a scrunchie or coated rubberband. Then I took six large rollers that I placed around it. The next morning I took out the rollers, my hair was in soft cascading waves and everyone used to joke that I must have a hairdresser living in my home. LOL. It does work and would be a lot easier than your routine. It would also help if you are not cutting your hair. Just a thought...

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Re: Early morning routine help

[ Edited ]

@Still Raining wrote:

I hear you about a good job and a bad commute.  Finally cut a deal for fewer days/equal hours.  On a really, really bad day it could be 3 hours each way.  Actually stopped for food midway often.


So you are left your hair care.  Ditch your current style.  You are more interesting, worthwhile and well groomed than any style.  For sure.  

@Still Raining - my DH did a 3 hr. obstacle course of a commute each way (home to NW of downtown Chicago and back) for years.  The Covid lockdown was the best thing that happened for him (us).  He began working from home and never went back to the office.  Technically, he could retire but at the moment there's no rush since he likes his work and the schedule is so accommodating.  

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Re: Early morning routine help

@Trinity11  great idea and technique!  and Manhattan ❤️

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Re: Early morning routine help

You "Haven't Lived" unless you have spent your working life commuting on the freeways of Chicago and Los Angeles...

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Re: Early morning routine help

Do you shampoo & blow dry every day?  Why?  Just throw some Velcro rollers in hair while putting on makeup or put your hair in a bun or pony some days.  Blow drying takes up a lot of time.  I have a bob & don't have to do anything to it most days - just brush & hair spray. Bobs hold their shape all week. 

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Re: Early morning routine help

@monicakm wrote:



I mean, how bad can someone look?  And if someone looks that bad I don't think any amout of time in the mirror is going to help.


Wow!  That's a bit harsh and uncalled for don't you think?  

@monicakm  No.

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Re: Early morning routine help

[ Edited ]

I would recommend looking into some dry shampoos. That's a lot of heat on your hair if you are shampooing, blow dry and then style on a daily basis. I only shampoo twice/week. I've seen R+Co Spiritualized dry shampoo mist recommended. It's on Amazon. If you use instagram, check out Laura Vitale February links for her using it...she calls it her magical dry shampoo.


I too have a long daily commute of about an hour each way so I feel your pain. You can shower everyday but no need to wash your hair.

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Re: Early morning routine help


@Iwantcoffee wrote:

Would it work to shower, shampoo, and blow dry your hair the night before and curl you hair and apply makeup in the morning?

That's the way!  I did exactly that when I had to be at work at 6am. 

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Re: Early morning routine help

I used to do the same thing Trinity did with my hair.
It would save you a ton of time. Don't cut your hair short just too save time in the morning. If you don't care for short hair and don't think it will look good on you, being unhappy won't help with your issues.
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Re: Early morning routine help

[ Edited ]



Oh girl, I understand your need to look put together....heck I'm one who does their hair (in nice ponytail, nothing crazy) and light makeup to go to the gym! So no judgement here! haha


It just helps me to feel more confident and actually helps me to get a better workout because there are mirrors everywhere and if I see myself looking like cr@p, I feel like  cr@p and just want to go home. Maybe some people don't understand this and may even think it's silly but how I look affects me too.


I used to have to get up really early for work too. I'd wash and flat iron my hair the night before and then put it up in a high pony tail at night and in the morning I'd just rewash my face framing bit (the rest I'd just tie back, if that makes sense) in the sink and blow dry and re-flat iron just that small part because it layed wrong after sleeping with it up all night....real quick.

Have your outfit picked out the night before and for sleep....have you tried Melatonin?

Also, are you having hot flashes at night? I was and started on HRT (don't know if that is an option for you or not) but it was a game changer for me. HRT was unfairly demonized years ago but is now seen as very protective of many things (bones, heart, brain, joint pain, skin, etc). Could be an option for you.


Anyway, I hope you can find some answers and good luck!!!




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