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Re: Early morning routine help

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

One other thought - Do you judge others if they're not totally put together? I hope not, so why are you so hard on yourself? Be as kind to yourself as you are to others and give yourself a break. 


Oh, also - I know someone who spends a lot of $$/time on their appearnance but it doesn't hide their self-centered, harsh personality. Be nice and friendly and others really won'r care if every hair is in place or not.

@ThinkingOutLoud   I absolutly do not judge others and I "wish" I could be as casual and cute as they look with min. effort.


My personality is very up beat and super nice and friendly to ALL.  I thought about deleting this post since I'm finding that most are just judging me in the wrong way Smiley Sad  You have to understand, its how I was brought up, my mom spent a couple hours getting ready each day, it's how I "learned", its all I have known and honsetly it has NEVER been an issue until now when I am going through the change and my sleep is just awful. So, I know things have to change and that is what prompted me to reach out for suggestions. 

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Re: Early morning routine help

[ Edited ]

@SandGirl wrote:


I need soome help / advise / suggestions.

I am going through the "change" and struggling with sleep, I need to continue to prioritize sleep. I got to bed early (by 8pm) becasue I have to be up at 3:30 to get ready for work (and commute to work) 

My questions is, I am over 50 so of course I can't just up and go, I care about my looks and I work in a somewhat professional environment. My hair is past shoulders and I add curls and "style" it each day.  it takes me an hour 45min to get ready and it's killing my sleep!  This is shower, blow dry, curl, style, wash face, skincare routine, makeup (less than 10min) and getting dressed. I keep trying to find ways to cut this routine so I can get more sleep.  When I shower at night it helps some but I don't have time to shower every single night so sometimes I end up having to do that in the morning and it's killing my sleep.

I don't know where I can cut back, my hair takes an easy 20min to blow dry (YES I have a very good/expensive blow dryer) its just my hair is on the thicker side and to curl I need it fully dry.

Do I just start wearing it in a pony? I hate this look on me and in my 24 years of work I've never worn a pony tail to work!!  I'm really struggling with now to shave time off getting ready.  Do you have suggestions? I would love to hear them.  Thank you!!

Clearly, your job seems to demand long hours with very little downtime. Personally, I would think about that.


As far as your hair, maybe cutting it is mandatory. I think after a certain age very long hair ages us. It's like holding on to our youth when it has long ago passed. You can have shoulder length hair and still enjoy the beauty of long hair. Another added benefit will be it will hold a curl longer and have more body.


Most of all, there is absolutely nothing unusual or wrong about wanting to look your best. However, when it cuts into our sleep, I understand your being concerned about it.

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Re: Early morning routine help

@SandGirl - If if is at all possible, could you do your hair the evening before and put it on top of your head in a ponytail when you sleep? The curls you put in should stay fresh that way.


You have quite a schedule! I had a similar one at one time. I got through the week, and slept when I got home Friday evening. It's not ideal, but we do what is best for us at the time. 

Good luck!  Smiley Happy

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Re: Early morning routine help



I'm sorry you're stuck in such a dilemma.  And I totally understand.  We all have our priorities and how we want to present ourselves to our fellow workers and the public. I haven't worked since college.  Part time at a car dealership.  When you're a teen, getting up early to put on a face and do your hair isn't as hard as it is in your 50s.  Even tho I don't have a job, I still want to look the best I can when I go out.  I know it's important for you and most likely your employer for you to look nice.  It sends a negative vibe to show up at work not looking your best.  I give myself 2 hours to get ready!  That's if I have to wash and style my hair.  If I don't and I have my makeup, accessories and clothes already chosen, it's an hour and a half.  I don't have to rush at the time I've given myself.  I've also decided that giving myself plenty of time, not having to rush, is well worth the 10-15 minutes of extra sleep.  I might feel differently if I worked and had to do this every day. 


I'm sure we all wish we had a simple and magical solution for you.   I haven't read all the replies but I'm sure I'll be repeating what some have suggested.  When I have an early morning appt, I will have my clothes and shoes laid out, jewelry and makeup chosen also.  Maybe you can take the time over the weekend to write down your outfit, makeup and accessories for the week or at least 2-3 days.  I bathe at night so I can't help there.  I have short and dry hair.  It doesn't quite touch my shoulders.  It's cut in layers.   All I have to do is "floof" it with my fingers, upside down, and it's good to go.  If I worked, I'd wash it every 3 days.  I understand you like your long hair but something has to change if you want change.  About your sleep...would you consider an otc sleep aid if getting enough sleep is a problem?  Getting to sleep has always been a problem for me.  I take these at night and it's helped soooo much.  What you do NOT want to do is trim is your skin routine.  That's never the solution!  I have bangs too and can't imagine myself without them.


It's just not fair that men are basically a wash and go type.  Is there anything in your morning routine that you could ask him to do (since he wants you to keep your long hair)?  So if you feed the dog/cat in the morning, maybe he could do it?  Empty the dishwasher?  I'm sure he understands the change you're going thru and the struggles you're having.  I wish I had a a magical solution for you.


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Re: Early morning routine help

@beach-mom wrote:

@SandGirl - If if is at all possible, could you do your hair the evening before and put it on top of your head in a ponytail when you sleep? The curls you put in should stay fresh that way.


You have quite a schedule! I had a similar one at one time. I got through the week, and slept when I got home Friday evening. It's not ideal, but we do what is best for us at the time. 

Good luck!  Smiley Happy

@beach-mom  I can try this however, my issue is finding time every or every other evening to do that.  I live in a state where traffic is bad, my husband and I both commute over an hour so that is 2 hours or more a day just commuting and at least 9ish hours at work sometimes longer. I have to eat dinner, pick up some, do normal stuff like grocery shopping and such as well.  I have ZERO down time, it's very frustrating but with the economy the way it is, we couldn't make it w/out my pay. I've been withmy company for well over 25 years...

Thank you so much for your input  Smiley Happy

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Re: Early morning routine help



I mean, how bad can someone look?  And if someone looks that bad I don't think any amout of time in the mirror is going to help.


Wow!  That's a bit harsh and uncalled for don't you think?  

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Re: Early morning routine help



I've always loved this look Smiley Happy

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Re: Early morning routine help

I hear you about a good job and a bad commute.  Finally cut a deal for fewer days/equal hours.  On a really, really bad day it could be 3 hours each way.  Actually stopped for food midway often.


So you are left your hair care.  Ditch your current style.  You are more interesting, worthwhile and well groomed than any style.  For sure.  

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Re: Early morning routine help



I thought about deleting this post since I'm finding that most are just judging me in the wrong way


This forum is very judgemental.  I learned the hard way too, over and over again.  

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Re: Early morning routine help

@monicakm wrote:



I've always loved this look Smiley Happy

@monicakm    It has to be that or a pixi if you live on the low desert!!  di

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