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Anyone who follows me here knows I've never done manis/pedis. I do a clear Sally Hansen polish.


Well, during T'Giving, I noticed all my visiting cousins and a few girlfriends have gel nails or dip nails and they looked so "done". I looked down at mine and although well manicured clean and neat, I started thinking "hummm".


I went yesterday  for a mani/pedi! I think maybe my 2nd ever in 75 yrs. The first was at a spa vacation about 15 yrs. ago. So, I can do without the pedi...tickled a lot, didn't want the cuticles cut, so stopped her in time and I wasn't fond of having the bottom of my feet "filed" w/ a metal file. I kept thinking about cuts.


Fingernails? Love the gels. It took a long time and I was getting antsy. Each step was so interesting to watch and although hesitant when she started using the file across my nails and knowing a layer may be thin, I still went through w/ it. RED RED RED! I didn't do my usual winter toe OPI Red, but a shade a little towards a burgundy. if I was going to spend the time and the money, why go with a pale pink?


So far, I love them. I did work around the house, did some holiday baking and went out for a quick Chinese dinner and stopped at HomeGoods. I kept looking at them and thinking "whose hands do these belong to"? Not a chip in site. Maybe next time I'd do a less in your face shade, but for now...they look so festive and I'm seeing other women with red nails, too. 


What a big jump in beauty for me!!!

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Yay for you @Shanus !    That is the one luxury I always offered myself.  I went for mani's and pedi's for many years and I loved it.  Funny though since Covid I started doing my own at home, nothing fancy and it took me a while to get better at it.  I can do a nice job now but it really does take time.  Sometimes I do get the urge to go back but I can't justify paying for it anymore and at my salon the fees really went up!    It's important to me to have pretty nails as I wear a lot of rings.  I'm happy you took the plunge, it is a nice feeling. Enjoy your festive look!

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@LindaSal   I agree...a lot of money to keep it up every 2-3 weeks. May get the gel kit I saw on Amazon and do my own.

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@Shanus  That's a great idea!   I have been using that Londontown brand on HSN.  They just had a TS set that is still on special with free shipping in case you are interested.  The colors are lighter though but no base or top coat needed.  Item #865-377.   It's a nice brand.

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[ Edited ]

Seasonal Fall Nails.jpeg

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@Shanus ...........Good for you.  I do the mani and pedi, mani every 3 weeks, and pedi every 6 weeks.  Even though do it yourself is cheaper, the pampering is well worth the difference to me.  


I am not one to have my feet messed with and even after at least 12 years of pedi's I still grimace and am ticklish.  I cant reach or see my toes well enough to do it on my own so I put up with it.

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[ Edited ]

They look great, I probably own that shade, I own hundreds of OPI  and other polishes, I go every other week for a pro mani and a pro pedi once in 2 months. I take my own polish so I can touch up myself. I have very nice longer length natural nails and I dont do gels or dips, it looks lovely and it lasts, but I am so afraid that the removal of it will ruin my own nails and I am not willing to take that chance.  Dips will hold up until the pesky new nail growth gets too insightly. 

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Yay!  You stepped out of your comfort zone and something wonderful happened.  Your nails sound lovely and festive.  I went the natural nail route during COVID and continued it after.  I took some pride in saying I did my own nails.  But the color chipped and my nails were thin and peeling.  I went to a manicurist and she suggested powder dip.  The first time, I got a royal blue and I loved them!  My hands looked young and color made my rings look prettier.  Now I'm sporting a neutral tone, close to my skin tone.  Next time, I'm going to get a bright Christmas green for the holidays.  I love that the polish never chips, my nails don't break.  They look beautiful and perfect.  My 79 year old bff says that the key to happy aging is to what makes US feel good and avoid the "old lady" box.  As she calls it.  






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@Shanus  - I bet your nails look lovely and it's nice that you treated yourself.  


Did you finish the pedi and get polish on your toe nails?

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Except during the pandemic when I did them myself I routinely get pedicures once a month.  In winter months I don't do polish, giving my nails a chance to breathe.  


I have only had a manicure twice - once for my wedding and once about a year ago when I had a gift card to a nail salon.  I keep my nails very short.  I trim them myself every other week then file and buff them.  That works for me.