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@VenturaHighway  said:


@FLgardener  I am leery of some of the products that this store sells but as with anything, one must use their common sense.


You are right. I am a self-admitted safety freak. Sometimes my mind can go to ridiculous lengths of "what if....".

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@Mz iMac wrote:

My 95 yr old mother wears plastic ponytail holders (Dollor Store) on her wrist w/her house & mail keys attached-home made charm bracelet.  She says this way, she does not have to look for them or lose them.  She perfers wearing on her wrist than around her neck especially when out & about. 

She has various colors to match her outfits. Smiley LOL

@Mz iMac 

How does she attach the keys to it?

"Kindness is like snow ~It beautifies everything it covers"
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"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Dollar Tree Find

[ Edited ]

@VenturaHighway wrote:

View Driver's Choice Stylish Steering Wheel

These are steering wheel covers. But I bought one to use as a headband when I wash my face. It worked perfect. I have others that I bought for $5.00 at Sally's years ago but these work just as well and they are only $1.00.

You're head is a better use for those.   Very ugly to put inside a car, yuck!  To privately wash a face, yes, car, no.   

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@Mz iMac wrote:


@Mz iMac  Thank you! 

I babysit my granddaughters every Thursday and Friday in Mt. L. , maybe someday we'll  meet!😄

"Kindness is like snow ~It beautifies everything it covers"
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A regular old plastic snow shovel that you use to clear snow off sidewalks can be used as a shovel to help rake up leaves as the width of the snow shovel is about the same width as a garden rake, so you would use the shovel and rake together to pick up a pile of leaves to deposit into your wheelbarrow or whatever container you use to deposit fallen leaves from your yard. The plastic snow shovel is lighter than a regular metal shovel used to scoop or dig dirt so it won't tire your arm out. Think of using the snow shovel and rake like a pair of big salad fork scoops and you'll get the idea.

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Whatever fabric steering wheel cover you get like those that won't slide and that stay in place like neoprene ones, remember that the outside of the steering wheel cover will eventually get dirty and/or the sun will eventually start rotting the rubber neoprene and you may notice that your pants show dirt where the steering wheel touches the top of your legs when you are sitting in the auto. That happened to me with white and light colored jeans and it took a while to figure out where that dirt was coming was the steering wheel cover!