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Re: Does beautiful packaging sway you when it comes to beauty products?

I love both high end and low end and quality seems to be all over the board. Some things are worth paying for and in those cases, I do expect the packaging to be better quality and more beautiful as well. I am currently loving Tom Ford shadows and lippies as well as some Charlotte Tillbury.

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Re: Does beautiful packaging sway you when it comes to beauty products?


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Re: Does beautiful packaging sway you when it comes to beauty products?

If the product is already on my radar it certainly doesn't hurt!

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Re: Does beautiful packaging sway you when it comes to beauty products?

Packaging doesn't say a thing about what's inside.

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Re: Does beautiful packaging sway you when it comes to beauty products?

NO! In fact I prefer simple packaging (recyclable too) and more concentration on the product. Want the packaging to perform as it should (for example open easily, hold the product securely) but beautiful packaging does not attract me. Seeing a gorgeous color or shade of a product like eye shadow or blush or reading a wonderful review will get my attention.
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Re: Does beautiful packaging sway you when it comes to beauty products?

No, not at all but I do admire beautiful packaging and appreciate it. And if something I want to try comes in beautiful packaging, all the better! I have a few friends that buy things just because of the packaging and I just don't understand it because they don't even really use the products in it!

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Re: Does beautiful packaging sway you when it comes to beauty products?

Not usually.
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Re: Does beautiful packaging sway you when it comes to beauty products?

If it's something I already want, a good package can tip the scales. It's not more important than the product. I did get sucked into buying a Guerlain Rouge G lipstick that I didn't need because of the package, but I won't do that again.

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Re: Does beautiful packaging sway you when it comes to beauty products?

I like pretty packaging but I wouldn't buy something based simply on that. I have to already like the product.

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Re: Does beautiful packaging sway you when it comes to beauty products?

I'm so not into pretty packaging. It's quite wasted on me.

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